WidevineCdm workaround (bullseye/bookworm) as of NOV23
Having some problems in playing widevine based content for some time now with vivaldi on the raspberry (last time it was working fine for me was on a buster install ~2+ a ago), as I am now on the verge of changing my RaspiOS 32bit Bullseye Desktop Install to a 64bit Bookworm one, I just had a go at it (again).
Dunno why vivaldi had problems with accessing /opt/WidevineCdm - but the following worked for me in bookworm and also (tried afterwards) in bullseye:
sudo cp -r /opt/WidevineCdm $HOME/.config/vivaldi/WidevineCdm sudo chown -R $USER:$USER $HOME/.config/vivaldi/WidevineCdm/WidevineCdm
and then editing ~/.config/vivaldi/WidevineCdm/latest-component-updated-widevine-cdm and changing the path therein to the copied/chowned folder.
Remains to be seen how long this one will work, but i find it strange that somehow vivaldi seem to have problems in accessing the original path (does it tries to write there?).
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