MotionBox Video Browser
Because lately there are severe problems with YouTube that is boring us more and more with Po-ups, nags, clickbaits, and other garbage, I am increasingly using, apart from front-ends, scripts and other measures, also MotionBox Video Browser on Desktop.
It is a Browser specialized in searching and playing Videos, not only from YouTube, but also from most other platforms, even Facebook, privately and without ads, a real gem.MotionBox is a Video Browser built for the Internet.
Designed to access, organize and share multiple video resources.
Built for Motion Freedom and part of the tevolution initiative.
omega is building MotionBox to empower people.MotionBox accesses and aggregates videos via the VBML language.
It supports DuckDuckGo, BitTorrent, TMDB, Youtube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Twitch, TikTok, Facebook, Odysee, PeerTube, and SoundCloud.
All of this inside multiple tabs and without ever showing an ad.MotionBox is built in C++ with Sky kit on the Qt framework.
The GUI is powered by QML and rendered with OpenGL.
The video player is based on VLC and libtorrent.Homepage and Download (Windows XP and later, macOS 64 bit, Linux 32 bit and 64 bit, Android 32 bit and 64 bit (experimental))