Only seeing 30 messages out of ~300 from Vivaldi tips
I decided to subscribe to the Vivaldi Tips feed as an experiment, and overall found it much more pleasant to use than the actual webpages (because I can actually jump down much easier to the next tip with a single
key tap, and can browse many more visually with a glance since there's no trash).So, it was frustrating to realize that only 30 tips (out of about 300~ were loaded into the reader.
How do I get all of them?
As far as I know this is a server setting and nothing you can influence from within Vivaldi mail&feed reader
As a workaround you can add as a web panel.
Also see this older request of mine (which focuses on shipping the browser with the feed already subscribed and only mentions your point alongside) -
@WildEnte Thank you for the info!
Although, it's quite disappointing to learn this...
Putting it in a web panel doesn't really do much (but maybe I am misunderstanding), because it doesn't "compact" the tips so that they can be visually scanned through with ease and speed, with minimal clicking. Really just wish there was an old school table of contents
I've just written a bug report about this for the & services component, Bug reference number 18629750122