Thoughts on Notes, Tasks, and the vjournal component of iCalendar RFC 5545
On Android I have just switched from syncing tasks with the no longer developed Opentasks to JTX Board (through Davx5).
I was surprised to see that JTX board also features notes and "journals" (essentially meeting notes and the like) through the vjournal component of iCalendar RFC 5545. This seems to be a component that few servers and apps support, for example it seems that Vivaldi's roundcube webmail does not do so (of my many mail accounts, apparently only GMX does).
Now Vivaldi supports notes already, albeit in it's own implementation, not in an open standard.
I wonder if Vivaldi should move it's notes feature to a vjournal implementation under the hood. This would quite naturally make notes support tasks within the note (see how notes currently do not support that here) and syncing to other apps, even sharing notes via calendars would become possible.
Check out JTX board and consider if this makes sense to you too...
I just found out that the same request also exists for Thunderbird.
Now obviously for Vivaldi this would fix next to no problem given that we already have well working and synced notes, apart from the fact that supporting open standards is always good. -
@WildEnte I just discovered VJOURNAL myself as I was happy to see the Notes in Vivaldi syncing with my Nextcloud instance. Has there been any feedback on support VJOURNAL some day too at Vivaldi?
@jbove said in Thoughts on Notes, Tasks, and the vjournal component of iCalendar RFC 5545:
Has there been any feedback on support VJOURNAL some day too at Vivaldi?
nope. But we now have 5 upvotes so we are at basketball team level!
@WildEnte Awesome.
In the meantime I'm using Evolution on desktop and JTXBoard on my phone to maintain a journal using VJOURNAL.