Move tab scroll leftmost button to the right side of the last pinned tab
At the moment, the tab scroll button shows like this:
- Left scroll button is at the left side of the first pinned tab, right after the workspaces button;
- Right scroll button is at the right side , after the last shown tab and just before the New Tab button.;
Essentially, the top can be summarized as this:
["Vivaldi Menu", "Workspaces", "Left Tab Scroll", [Pinned Tabs...], [Normal Tabs...], "Right Tab Scroll", "New Tab", "Cloud Icon", "Trash Icon", [Minimize, Maximize, Close]]
I propose an option to move the left tab scroll after the pinned tabs as below:
["Vivaldi Menu", "Workspaces", [Pinned Tabs...], "Left Tab Scroll", [Normal Tabs...], "Right Tab Scroll", "New Tab", "Cloud Icon", "Trash Icon", [Minimize, Maximize, Close]].
This is essentially how Firefox has been doing it so far.