Multiple Floating Tab Bars. Attachable to Tile windows/boxes.
Tab Stacks are cool, but they're all stuffed together with other tabs, in the same tabbar. Workspaces are cooler, but they should be reserved for, well, workspacing. Multiple browser windows are the coolest, with regard to this Feature Request, and Windows are good window-snaping too, but since tab-tiling already is a thing in Vivaldi (hey, I never asked for it), why not add tabbars on top (or side) of the tiling boxes things too? Would be like Visual Studio's Tab Groups... So cool! Please consider doing it; though I'm not sure if so much 'power' tab organizing is even needed when it comes to web browsing...
Something like this, guys...
'Cause like, Stacked Tabs don't need concurrent-visibility, in fact, on the contrary: different tab stacks need concurrent visibility/slitting, for those who stack tabs just for organizing...
I'd create three such horizontal groups, the middle one would be the largest, and would just contain the active page I'm reading/focussing at, along with any concurrent-visibility-needing tabs split to its right. The top one would contain tabs I need to attend to after finishing this one; i.e., the tabs I was working with before jumping to the active tab (middle one), sorted by MRU. The last bottommost tiniest one would contain the preview tabs, opened from links on the current page, places I might be lured into going to, instead of going back to where I was before the active tab started.
I'd add command chains and shortcuts/gestures such that clicking any tab from the topmost row/group drags it into the central group, and clears the lowermost preview-tabs tab group. Hovering on any links from the Active Central Tab Group's Active Tab would open their preview in the lowermost one, previews would be nestable, and clicking the tab name of any of the preview tabs would make that tab the central tab, and clear/empty the preview tab group, and add any preview tabs that led to it into the browsing history.
History would have these categories: Typed Urls, Clicked Links (tabs/urls so enticing you just jumped to them directly), Open-As-Background-Tab Clicked Links (which open in the uppermost row/group), Open-In-New-Tab Clicked Links, and Previewed Links.
Filter by any.
Each entry in the History would be nested, tree-like, and would contain the tabs/pages you previewed into from that tab, nested into any depth (i.e., previews from previews, so on).The whole browing history would basically be like a Command-Chain (as in, the programming design pattern named Command); you would be able to select any date and time and PLAY your browsing activity from that moment on, fast-forwarded, at 4x, for example.
The Left Edge of those tab boxes could be used for displaying sorta a timeline of the tab, basically, the "Previous Pages History List"; what the Backwards and Forwards button do, but a visual representation of it.
Would be the dream web browser, wherein where you were at before, where you were intending to go next to, is all visually visible; a browser in which you never get lost while surfing the web, one wherein you never lose context! Damn, I'm orgasming just thinking about it...
I think some of the visual functionality can already be achieved with command chains; I just checked, and yes, command chain commands support/include tiling/untiling. A tiled preview of the previous tab (by MRU), and a quick method to open any link as a preview as a full-blown tab and tiling it at the bottom side, is all that's needed. So grateful that Vivaldi added Command Chains; without it, so much would be impossible...
This is the exact feature I want to start using Vivaldi. I love the idea of their Tab Tiling feature, but its too limited.
In its current iteration I would see no reason to just have two browser instances open side by side on a monitor (which is what I currently do with my setup).
This is not a great solution in my opinion as it leads to some unnecessary clutter and annoying window management.
I basically just want two tab bars (workspaces) that I can browse separately. For me it would be side by side just like what I can do in Visual Studio.
For example I would be happy with two separate tiled windows that have their own tab bars like so.
I also think this would be nice to have. It would make tiling a bit easier to use