Add gestures (clamped right mouse button + scroll wheel)
You need to add the possibility of mouse settings: clamped right mouse button + wheel mouse (scroll up, scroll down, click).
Personally, I need tab scrolling for these gestures, but it's better to make it customizable so that everyone can customize for themselves.
I really like your browser, but without these functions it is difficult for me to use it. -
@mealf Hold RMB and click LMB; and Hold LMB and click RMB already exist. They are called Rocker Gestures, and can be assigned to different commands.
RMB + Scrollwheel is not yet customisable. I would like to use LMB + Scrollwheel to cycle the tabs.
Massive +1, when I first started using Vivaldi and saw rocker gestures, I was surprised scrollwheel gestures weren't already either right next to it, or outright part of the same feature. I used to use RMB+SWU/SWD via extension on Firefox for Scroll Page To Top/Bottom, but I'm not a fan of gesture extensions on Chromium-based browsers and didn't want to install one for this one thing.
Certain I've seen this feature request in another topic but this was the only one I could find.