Need customized installer
I asked you before to make an installer or opportunity to create a settings file for fast import.
I work as a handyman. I install OS, office and browser to people. I really want to spread Vivaldi, but i'm fed up to setup the browser after each installation for every person (and yes, i know i can make an image of OS and software, but it's different).
Yes, I'm only one person, and maybe 100-200 installations per year is not a big deal, but maybe other people will also start install the browser if you add this option.
For windows we can use WIM. For browsers i found interersting constructor on this site
If you let us do the same or even better (would be great to change settings, extensions and themes) it will be awesome.
@Heysup What are you asking for exactly?
- A way to extract a specific vivaldi configuration repackaging in a tweaked installer?
- A unattended setup to deploy vivaldi on several machines?
- Handle Vivaldi settings via GPOs? (Group Policies)
- All of them?
Edit the title to be more precise on what you ask for; anyway you get my
@Hadden89 for me ideal option is install Vivaldi on my machine (or virtual), setup all i need (like speeddial, some bookmarks, settings, extensions, setup all of them) and pack this full configured browser back to installation file.
After that i can just setup the browser fast on clients machines or give them file and let to do it by themselves.
Standalone/portable is not a solution. Need to install Vivaldi as a normal browser and make it default.Writing this i realized a problem: if let everybody make an installation file, they could make virus installations. So it sounds not cool.
Maybe you can let people to contact you to show proves about their work and explain the reason for the installation kit (like administrator in a company).
Or let to create the file directly through Vivaldi website.
@Heysup my idea is to
- create a Vivaldi Standalone Install in a Vivaldi destination folder (will contain program and user profile)
- Windows: With Advanced mode of Installer exe
- Linux:
- Mac:
- When Vivaldi started, make needed settings and add extensions if wanted.
- Close Vivaldi
- Deploy that destination folder with a program of your choice.
I think, you know how to automate this with batch/shell scripts.
- create a Vivaldi Standalone Install in a Vivaldi destination folder (will contain program and user profile)
Command line parameters of Vivaldi installer:The Vivaldi Installer
Vivaldi-specific command line switches
Tell the installer that it runs from the mini installer after decompression. This is set automatically unless one runs decompressed setup.exe explicitly.
--vivaldi-install-dir=<folder name>
Name of the folder to install Vivaldi into. The folder name should be quoted.
Installs Vivaldi in standalone mode. The application and user data folder shares the same root folder. This option is ignored if –vivaldi-install-dir points to an existing installation as installation type is deduced from that.
Launches the installer without presenting that installation setting dialog. Used for auto-update, and can be used for scripting the installation. Note that this shows the progress dialog and will show error messages as message boxes.
Registers Vivaldi (adds/changes registry info) so that it is possible to set it as the default browser.
Suppresses all GUI like the installation settings dialog, progress bar and message boxes. This is a preferred option for automation scripts.
A Vivaldi dev told me in chat:On mac you just copy the bundle to the Applications folder. We provide a .dmg disk image containing the bundle.
I’m no sysadmin but the command line process would be something like this:
hdiutil attach /Users/to/Downloads/Vivaldi.5.7.2901.3.universal.dmg
that will mount it in /Volumes
Then copy to Applications
sudo cp -R /Volumes/Vivaldi\ Snapshot\ 5.7.2901.3.dmg/Vivaldi\ /Applications
you need sudo because the OS protects the Applications folder
Finally unmount the image
hdiutil unmount /Volumes/Vivaldi\ Snapshot\ 5.7.2901.3.dmg
I suggest some Workaround options maybe already in the table:- Create a Shared Sync User
For some situations / users, you/they have to logout this Sync right after the installation to keep that user Clean
Extension settings are fresh - Follow the Bckp links at bottom for a custom build
- Zip an installation/Profile and unzip it on target machine
Here's something I've refound days ago but not tested yet, I've read about on Chrome forum
The OS crypt key, this forces the reset of some settings when the Key does not match the new PC.
Is located atLocal State
| Look here
The workaround would be adding the correct one for the new PC, (creating a new profile and copy / pasting it), so everything should be kept.
That's the Theory.
There are some System settings regarding Defaults for any new user, not started playing on this, just saw it and considering to try, this would help on shared Machines.
Vivaldi Backup | Reset + Extra Steps
- Create a Shared Sync User
Hi, I'm getting a headache concerning automatic install:
I have a very trivial CMD-Script which I run via GPO:@ECHO OFF SET CURRENTVERSION=5.7.2921.53 for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('wmic os get OSArchitecture ^| findstr 32') do set ARCH=32 for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('wmic os get OSArchitecture ^| findstr 64') do set ARCH=64 SET VVPATH="C:\Program Files\Vivaldi" if "%ARCH%" == "32" SET VVINST="Vivaldi.5.7.2921.53.exe" if "%ARCH%" == "64" SET VVINST="Vivaldi.5.7.2921.53.x64.exe" @ECHO ON echo %ARCH% > C:\vivaldiinstall.txt echo %VVPATH% >> C:\vivaldiinstall.txt echo %VVINST% >> C:\vivaldiinstall.txt if exist %VVPATH%\%CURRENTVERSION%.txt GOTO DONE GOTO DOIT :DOIT net use j: \\dc-pa01.domain.local\softwaredeployment rem uninstall rem "%ProgramFiles%\Vivaldi\Application\5.7.2921.53\Installer\setup.exe" --uninstall --system-level --vivaldi --force-uninstall start /wait j:\Vivaldi\%VVINST% --vivaldi-silent --do-not-launch-chrome --system-level c: net use j: /d /y echo.done> %VVPATH%\%CURRENTVERSION%.txt echo.done>> C:\vivaldiinstall.txt echo start /wait j:\Vivaldi\%VVINST% --vivaldi --vivaldi-silent --do-not-launch-chrome --system-level >> C:\vivaldiinstall.txt GOTO DONE :DONE exit
If I run that script manually, it works perfectly.
If I let it run via GPO, the script around is working, but the installer is not started.
I can tell that for sure, as my script creates a log file which is created each time, the script runs either via GPO or directly through CMD, but no vivaldi-install.log is created in %TEMP% if it is run via GPO.What is wrong?
FelixJJ -
@FelixJJ I am not experienced with Windows' GPO and access rights, i think the process running installer needs Administrator rights.
Ok. I thougt so, because you are familiar with the installer cmd-line switches.
How ever: I have dozens of GPO's that run scripts in the computer-context prior to the windows login. I deploy all kind of software using cmd-scripts like this. They all run well.
This one also runs well, else the status-file under c:\ could not be created, which is proof, that the script runs in an administrative context.
How ever, can it be, that the vialdi installer, even launched in silent mode, requires a user to be logged in or some sort of minimal desktop environment?
I mean, the installer does not even launch, else it would create a logfile in %temp%....Is there a public access to the vivaldi-installer script that launches after decompressing? As clearly it is a self-extracting zip with post-install script...?
Felix -
@FelixJJ I want to ask a dev later.
Which line of your batch fails? -
This line failes:start /wait j:\Vivaldi\%VVINST% --vivaldi-silent --do-not-launch-chrome --system-level
But only if the script runs as GPO in COMPUTER-Context which is the usual way to deploy software system-wide on client computers.
@FelixJJ //EDIT: Are you sure that the spawned process is allowed to access/write?
Yes. All works.
If I run an other installer such as 7zip, libreoffice, etc... it works as well.
Uniquely the vivaldi installer refuses to run. It does not even create a logfile in %temp%... -
Yes, otherwise any other installer would have the same issues. -
@FelixJJ Why this with a echo?
echo start /wait j:\Vivaldi\%VVINST% --vivaldi --vivaldi-silent --do-not-launch-chrome --system-level >> C:\vivaldiinstall.txt
This is my debugging output to see, if the script variables are correctly handed over to the installer.
The relevant line is the one without echo, 6 lines above!! -
@FelixJJ Ah, ok, only for your debug output.
@FelixJJ My idea, try with a changed batch.
What happens with
cd /D j: if not exist j:\Vivaldi\%VVINST% echo "ERROR j:\Vivaldi\%VVINST% missing" >> C:\vivaldiinstall.txt start /wait j:\Vivaldi\%VVINST% --vivaldi-silent --do-not-launch-chrome --system-level
What happens with
cd /D j: if not exist j:\Vivaldi\%VVINST% echo "ERROR j:\Vivaldi\%VVINST% missing" >> C:\vivaldiinstall.txt j:\Vivaldi\%VVINST% --vivaldi-silent --do-not-launch-chrome --system-level
Sorry for my broken answers but i run more Linux batches than Windows CMD batches. And i hate the strange syntax of CMD batches.
I'm sorry, but your code proposal does not solve the problem. I tried both variants.
Still, when I launch it directly with runas /user:Administrator or right click on the cmd script "launch as Administrator" is works like a charm...We need to know, that the setup script is doing at the very begin, because the abortion must be before the vivaldi-setup.log is created underneath %temp%.
I'm almost sure, that it searches for some user related environment, that simply does not exist, if it runs prior to the user login screen.
I assume, that vivaldi is not (yet) ready for enterprise-wide deployment via GPO, but here I am, so if I could review the setup code, I might find out where the problem is?