Service windows should not carry the full UI
The picture below is a cap of a service window spawned by the Stylus extension, which is for local style sheets. As you can see, much of the window is taken up by UI elements such as address bar, toolbar, bookmarks bar, and especially the tab bars on the right.
I contacted the devs of Stylus about this and they told me that they already design the extension to omit unnecessary UI elements in service windows, and that most browsers comply, and if V doesn't then it's something V needs to look into.
I checked, and indeed this problem does not exist in the other chromium-based browsers I have on board. They present only the work area, without the space-hogging other elements.
Is there any chance this can be corrected? Stylus is the extension most affected, but the Bitwarden pop-out window is another. I'm sure there are others.
I know I can hide the elements via shortcut key, and I do so. But it would be a nice touch not to have to do it manually.