Solved If Vivaldi Mail is Disabled, Allow Custom Mailto Handlers in Settings
For those of us who don't want or need Vivaldi Mail, please stop hard-coding the use of MailTo to Vivaldi Mail and expose the ability to set custom MailTo handlers when Vivaldi Mail is disabled.
Sending mailto: links to a splash page that asks me to enable Vivaldi mail is not helpful.
This is possible now in Vivaldi 5.7.
Do you have this setting turned on in the Mail Settings?
I have no mail settings. I am assuming this is because I have mail, calendar, and feeds explicitly disabled?
What version of Vivaldi are you running?
Can visit vivaldi://about to see the version -
And what operating system?
Is the default mailto program not already set?
Hey @gmg,
I am currently using 5.5.2805.44 (Stable channel) in Classic Mode on Win 11 Pro 22H2. I do not want to use the Mail, Calendar, or Feeds features bundled with Vivaldi.
The default mailto program in Windows is set to Vivaldi.
To repro, visit: chrome://settings/handlers. The default options displayed are only to allow or disallow sites to handle protocols.
After some forum research and trial-and-error, I was able to hand-hack my preferences file to set the mailto handler to gmail with custom_handlers JSON in the Preferences file.
"custom_handlers":{"enabled":true,"ignored_protocol_handlers":[], "registered_protocol_handlers":[{"default":true,"protocol":"mailto", "url":""}]}
Prior to this Mail, Calendar, Feeds functionality being added to Vivaldi, this used to be as simple as enabling the protocol handler directly on Gmail's webpage...
This is possible now in Vivaldi 5.7.
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