Speeddial navigation issue
If there are a lot of speed dial buttons, when a window is opened in the background, the position of the speed dial button will be moved to the default, i.e. to the top. This can be very confusing if you have dozens or hundreds of items loaded into the speed dial, because you suddenly lose track of the position and often difficult to get back.
This phenomenon has never occurred with the Opera browser , but has been a problem with Vivaldi since the beginning.It would be very nice if this bug would be fixed, because otherwise the browser is good.
Thank You.
an vivaldi user
your OS & Vivaldi version,please -
@Aaron It is the same here on Linux Mint 20.3.
This persistent bug is OS and browser version independent, all Windows 7-11 most definitely, and as indicated Linux too, up to the latest Vivaldi version including.
best regards
@UnitedVivaldi I am having a hard time understanding what the bug is. If I open a new Window or a new tab, the URL field has focus.
If I focus the Start Page with F9, scroll down with the cursor keys (or tab), then use Ctrl+Enter on a speed dial thumbnail to open it in the background, the same thumbnail remains in focus.
If you can give us a reliable recipe to reproduce the bug, and then report it, it might get fixed.
Please see How to Report a Bug.
@UnitedVivaldi Welcome to the Community. Here are a few links for your bookmarks that you may find useful:
@Pesala I understood (and commented) as this:
If you have a lot of speed dials and have to scroll for the lower ones, it would be useful for the topic starter to find the speed dial in the last position (scrolled down) the next time after the first click on a thumbnail and opening the link. Instead it is in the initial position. He has to scroll down again.I have been able to confirm this. However, it is not my problem, because I open all links in background tabs in such case.
@Dancer18 The OP seems to be talking about opening New Windows in the background. Maybe New Tabs are what is meant.
Either way, the focus position in the current start page does not change, unless one opens a new foreground tab or reuses the current tab, then uses History Back.
@Pesala exactly the problem is that if I navigate back to the home page (speed dial page) after clicking on the new background window tab from the home page (for example to open new windows in the background), the focus of the quick navigation buttons there disappears, the position reverts to the default, i.e. topmost,
this is a bad solution (e.g. if I open saved page 345, navigate to it and then back to the speed dial page, I find myself at the beginning of the page (on the top) and have no idea where button 346 is (saved page), or any other, which is not shown in the first following few lines, so I have to look again and again.
Should I make a video about this error? -
@UnitedVivaldi Please edit your post to confirm that you mean New Tab and not New Window.
No, we don't need a video.
Personally, I think you are missing the point of "Speed Dial" by having hundreds of thumbnails to scroll through. Just use the Bookmark Bar.
From what @Dancer18 said, I suspect that this bug has already been reported.
Ppafflick moved this topic from Vivaldi for Polestar on
For me, speed dialing with visuals (with refreshable thumbnails) and unique annotations, which can be individually and arbitrarily arranged, and grouped, is much more transparent than hundreds of links. That's why I like it, and that's why I don't understand why the focus jumps (which was never a problem in the Opera).
I remain confident that this will be corrected by the development team.best regards,
I'm also searching for a solution to this problem. I like to use the speed dials with hundreds os thumbnails, and the auto scroll makes it a pain to use. And the solution to "use bookmarks" is not satisfactory. I want a way to stop the auto scroll and maintain the speed dial in the same position when switching tabs.
Hi, I guess this issue was never reported to the Vivaldi bug tracker, you can do it if you like.
My solution using hundreds of speed dials is Folders, sort your speed dials in categories.
Another one is Groups as you can see on top of the start page.
I have about 300 speed dials and never scroll, if I have to start scrolling I create a new sub category.
I enabled speed dial titles for this screen shot, I have them disabled to save space.I have 3 folders on the main page and a few sub folders, ready.
The speed dials are big, you can change this with more columns and scale to fit.Remember the last position should be possible, Vivaldi remember the last used Group and the last used sub folder so why not the latest position.
For information on how to report a bug, see this URL: https://vvld.in/how-to-report-bugs
Once that is done, please share the bug number (beginning with VB-).
Add your vivaldi.net username, please.
On the form, you can add your email address. Once submitted, you'll get a confirmation. You can reply to this with any logs or further info.Cheers, mib
I don't see this as a "bug", but i followed your instruction and submitted into the bug report. Hope to see some option in the future to remove the auto scroll.
At least it is inconsistent, can you share the bug number, please?Cheers, mib
"(VB-110061) Speed dial has annoying auto scroll"
The scrolling up of SpeedDial is not really nice for usability when having many entries.
@Mazito Confirmed.
It's already been so long, and this hasn't been addressed at all, even if it's not a bug, and made this way by design, I consider it a very jarring flaw. This combined with the fact that you can't even automatically sort speed dials at all, makes me want to switch back again to Opera.
@HyoEden Already fixed for 7.1.3570.50.