Close Tab Activation > Always Activate Tab in Current Tab Stack
It is not currently possible to configure tab activation after tab closure in a way, that doesn't take the user out of the current tab stack when closing tabs, because either the top or the bottom tab closure will take you out of the tab stack.
I'm proposing a settings checkbox, that would always jump to a tab in the current tab stack, either the the recent one, top one, bottom one, based on the existing preference.
New "Always Activate Tab in Current Tab Stack" checkbox to be added here:
Ppafflick moved this topic from Automotive Feature Requests on
Tab Stacks are awesome. Being taken out of your tab stack when closing a tab in that tab stack is horrible. Please add an option and make it the default to always stay within the substack when closing a tab.
Yes please
Yes please. The current behavior is very frustrating.
+1 would be very useful
I strongly second this.
The main problem is when closing the left-most tab in a tab stack. As mentioned by others above, there's no configuration that would ensure the newly activated tab is still in the same tab stack.
The predictable, user-friendly behaviour would be to always apply the tab activation logic to the scope of the current tab stack, and only when the last tab of the stack is being closed, then a tab from a different stack would get activated. -
100% agree, don't know how something like this hasn't been added yet