No push notifications on Spark-Mail App
I am trying to connect my mail account to the Spark-Email App but I do not receive push notifications. The message from the app is this:
I put the right details when filling for the IMAP & SMTP.
Also this is shown
What can be done? -
Jjane.n moved this topic from Mail on
We looked into Spark recently and we could confirm the issue with not receiving notifications, but when checking our configuration, everything was set up correctly.
Since Spark is the only (known) mail client with this issue, we believe that the bug is on their side.
Please reach out to Spark's team to look into the issue. -
Good morning Jane. I am also experiencing the same issue using this software. I have reached out to Spark and their response is below:
**"I checked the Spark connection to the servers of your affected account in our system and discovered an error "i/o timeout" while connecting to your both IMAP and SMTP servers.
This error is usually temporary and should be gone after some time. However, other people that are using accounts were contacting us regarding the same issue.
Could you please consider contacting your mail provider in order to check what could be the possible reason for the issue?"**
Please advise.
Hi, I also have this issue, a year later, with the last version of Spark iOS. I've reached them but for now I'm waiting for a solution.
We looked into this issue some more and found that Spark is a third-party mail client. This means that instead of the client directly checking for mail, the way first-party mail clients such as Vivaldi Mail, Thunderbird, etc. do it, you give your login credentials to Spark and their servers (Google Cloud) check for messages.
Unfortunately, we have no way of telling whether the traffic coming from servers like that is genuine or whether someone is attempting to abuse our service. We would blindly have to trust them and having had negative experiences in the past that's hard to do.
@jane-n said in No push notifications on Spark-Mail App:
Unfortunately, we have no way of telling whether the traffic coming from servers like that is genuine or whether someone is attempting to abuse our service. We would blindly have to trust them and having had negative experiences in the past that's hard to do.
As the issue persists I'd like to know: does that mean you are aware of the cause of this issue and will not take measures to fix it?
This isn't meant to sound reproachful - only if that is the case, I will ditch Spark as my mail client. -
Yes, that's correct.