Maximum width for tabs
Vivaldi already has a setting for the minimum width of the active tab, but I think it'd also be useful if we could set a maximum width for all tabs.
This would be especially useful now that Vivaldi has implemented tab scrolling, as it would maximise the number of visible tabs at one time before a scroll is necessary. Right now, enabling the "scrolling tabs" option has the side effect of making all tabs take up their maximum width, which means it only takes a small number of tabs before scrolling is required.
Additionally, for those of us who tend to have many tabs open but do not wish to use tab scrolling, this option would allow us to pre-shrink our tabs by default, meaning we can have more on-screen to begin with before Vivaldi starts auto-shrinking them
@crimsonshade Was coming here to suggest this. I'd like a way of having a max width of tabs for the reasons you suggest.
I like the idea of tab scrolling, but I do think that the current width of the tabs is set a bit too large, at least for me. Having the ability to adjust tab width when in tab scrolling mode would fix this for mine and others' usage.
@Gort, one width may not be enough
I completely agree, the tab width is so big that horizontal scrolling in more of a hassle to use compared to FF... I hope this can be implemented, similar to the min width and as it used to be in tab-size.js from the Vivaldi Hooks.
I'm not sure why the min width was seemingly implemented into the main program but the other sliders weren't...For now I guess I'll edit the bundle.js everytime, as described here.
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