Solved Deleted emails still showing up
In received view, I find that deleted mails show up with a dustbin symbol next to them. I should prefer that they weren't there. Having deleted an email, I don't want to see it again.
Any ideas?
Thanks. -
@johnpf When you have your mail list open (where you can click to view emails) then you should have the mail bar across the top of the browser. It has a search box. In that box are seven little icons lined up and one of them is a trash can. If you don't want to see deleted mails in Received view, clicking that icon should banish them from your sight.
Thanks; it works. I thought the icon was there to delete something. I wasn't expecting a facility to view deleted items when one can do that by looking at the trash folder.
This is an example, I think, of too much choice.
Many years ago I loved M2. I am still finding my way around this, and hopefully it will, with practice, become as useful as M2 was.
@johnpf M2 had exactly the same choice, but it was better-hidden.
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There isn't any option to delete an email (removing from view sending it to trash can) with one single click. Delete icon has a drop down and we need to select delete permanently. That is what I see.
@kagan welcome to the forum!
There already is a "delete permanently" context menu item and the keyboard shortcut shift+del to permanently delete an email. If that is not enough for you, you can create your own "delete permanently" button on the mail toolbar.
Go to "settings - command chains" and create a new command chain with only one command "delete permanently"
Go to "settings - themes", select your active theme, go to "editor"
In some mail view, right-click an active button on the toolbar where you want to place the icon, choose "edit toolbar", select the command chain category and drag&drop your custom button on the toolbar where you want it.
enjoy deleting mails permanently at the click of a single button
@WildEnte Thank you very much. Very neat guidance.
It works! -
@WildEnte This works. However, I still wonder why my emails after deleting them come back up to the Received view, even with Bin folder filtered out.
When I delete them (normally by clicking the delete option or Delete key) I just get notification that the mail is already in the bin?? -
Hi, what do you meant with "fitered out"?
Did you disable the trash can in "Show"?Cheers, mib
@mib2berlin Yes, only my show options are: read and custom folders.
Mailing lists, archived, RSS, spam and BIN should not be visible -
Hm strange, if I disable the bin all deleted mails disappear from Received, which is my default, too.
No idea why this is not working for you. -
@mib2berlin This, as far as I know, is specific to GMail. Deleted GMails can move from the bin to the inbox. A second delete usually banishes them, and is accompanied by a notification that the mail "was already in Trash" (which of course is where you had sent it, but not where it was). Devs are trying, but so far cannot figure out why GMail does this, or how to fix it.
Thunderbird and Gmail aren't always best friends either. -
@WildEnte Interesting. I'm going to forward this to the Mail devs in case it helps.
@Ayespy well Thunderbird doesn't deduplicate like M3 does as far as I know. I assume that M3 will add the trash flag and make things show up in the right places locally, but then GMail does it's weirdification, so M3 finds the email in All Mail, deduplicates and things get messy. Again, just a guess.
In GMail's web interface, the default for "When a message is marked as deleted and expunged from the last visible IMAP folder:" is "Archive the message (default)". This can be set to move to trash or delete forever immediately. There are some general recommendations for client configs here
Some reddit user says here that
"Messages are not considered deleted until they have been removed from all labels/visible folders (including All Mail). Otherwise, the email will simply archive (in the FM example, the Inbox label only gets removed). This can wreak havoc w/ some IMAP clients (including Fastmailโs fetch).
The solution is to turn off All Mail from from being available via IMAP in Gmailโs Folders & labels setting" -
@WildEnte Interesting. If there were emails I could not see in my client, but gobbling up storage at the server end, that would make me uncomfortable.
@Ayespy From what it seems to me, it's a Google sync issue as you've said. I don't really know much about IMAP to get into it, however it is quite a hindrance for a major e-mail service as Gmail.
You would've thought as big as they are they would have their services work flawlessly, especially on basic IMAP level.
Tried the Ctrl+delete thing, it seems to be a little workaround, but not for when I want to bulk delete emails, it just won't let me. -
@LinLee agreed, but it seems that many mail clients have or had issues with Gmail, just because it does its own quirky things. Did yoi try changing a setting in GMail's web interface, see this earlier post?
@WildEnte said in Deleted emails still showing up:
In GMail's web interface, the default for "When a message is marked as deleted and expunged from the last visible IMAP folder:" is "Archive the message (default)". This can be set to move to trash or delete forever immediately. There are some general recommendations for client configs here
@WildEnte I did change that setting. It made no difference to M3. GMail accounts still misbehaving in the same way. Just making a note of this.
Hi, it seems that problem is not related to the gmail only:
- After Vivaldi update, all deleted message(at least all downloaded and then deleted after the update) from IMAP folders are shown in "received".
- When i try to "move to the trash"/delete again at "received", popup with message "some were already in trash".
2 red marked lines, are already deleted (image is from all messages-receive folder)- When "custom folder" is deselected, they are hidden. But "custom folder" filter is not an "trash".
At specific acount->trash, they are corectly here.
rebuild search db, doesnt helped. None filters are used/defined.
any ideas, tips where to look at?