Remove duplicate news items
I'd like to request a feature that removed duplicate news items in the RSS feed reader.
As an example, the New Zealand Herald has a number of RSS feeds, but they keep re-publishing the same news article throughout the day. Each time they update the article, it creates another entry in the feed list. If I leave the feed for a few hours, next time I look at it there are many unread items all with exactly the same title and summary.
Surely the feed can be smart and say if there is already an unread item, we don't need another exactly the same?Also, when switcing between feeds, can we have an option to start at the top of the feed, rather than the last article that was read?
Roland. -
Hey there,
As part of testing the new Vivaldi Feed Reader, I subscribed to news alerts from the BBC. BBC News offers multiple different feeds for different "categories" of News, for example "Top Stories", "UK", "Worldwide" and "Sport" among others. Each of these exists as a separate RSS Feed independent from one another; and I have subscribed to the first three.
Now we get to my request. Quite often, a news article will fit into more than one category - for example, it is not uncommon for a UK article to also be a Top Story, or for Worldwide to include UK News. Because each category is its own feed, this means the same article can be repeated multiple times in my Inbox because each feed has a copy of the same entry. I was wondering, could Vivaldi introduce a feature by which it could detect "duplicates", i.e. entries with matching details, even when those entries are in different feeds; and either ignore them or give the user the option to filter them from showing up? This would make managing my news stories a LOT easier
I can see why the feed reader would treat articles from different feeds as different articles. I'm not sure how Vivaldi indexes the feed articles internally, but I'm guessing it's probably by feed+article ID.
If the article ID is the same in both cases, and the articles were indexed by domain+article ID instead, then this might not be an hard thing to implement at all...
@pauloaguia it is hard to decide which feed should keep the articles and which one shouldn't, the best bet would probably be doing nothing until user selects group of feeds and sets priorities on the group
@zakius Both feeds should keep the article. But it would be a reference to the same article. Just like there are multiple ways to see the same email (you can see it on unread email, received email, etc).
Whatever feed you see it first and mark it as read, it would be marked as read in all the other feeds displaying that same article. Just like when I mark it as read in the unread messages view, it's marked as read in the feed's view.
Ultimately that's what's at stake here - it's the same article, just visible in different views (different feeds). -
that would make sense, haven't thought of it, have to note that just in case
I've actually requested this before myself (, except that in my case I referred specifically to the scenario where a News Agency has multiple RSS Feeds and posts the same article to more than one of them. That said, the overall intent was the same - Vivaldi should not show duplicate entries.
I should also note that I have witnessed Vivaldi occasionally fetching the same article from the SAME feed twice in a row, with exactly the same timestamp - something I also feel shouldn't be happening.
@crimsonshade said in Remove duplicate news items:
I should also note that I have witnessed Vivaldi occasionally fetching the same article from the SAME feed twice in a row, with exactly the same timestamp - something I also feel shouldn't be happening.
Yes, I've seen the same behavior. If I'm not mistaken, this tends to happen only when I restart the browser.
After a discussion with LonM, I felt I should better clarify my intended request. To remove any confusion: I would like Vivaldi to be able to smartly filter out feed entries where two or more different feeds have entries that link to the same content and have broadly similar descriptions. This is to account for websites that offer multiple feeds for different purposes, but which may share the same content, in order that people can subscribe to those feeds while avoiding the deliberate duplication.
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@rolypoly I have seen this happen a lot lately with some youtube channels I follow. They keep changing the title to try and 'game' the youtube recommendation algorithm, but that just ends up polluting the vivaldi feed reader with loads of copies of the same video. Having just a single entry per video would be preferable.