Vivaldi unlocks full versatility with Accordion Tabs and Command Chains
@jon3: Do you perhaps have Close Tab on Double Click enabled in Settings > Tabs > Tab Handling?
@thomasp yes, it is one enabled.
jon says in article "If you prefer your accordions to stay open, use arrow or double-click them."
suppose that means double click on arrow should make stack stay open.
I think it might be a bug because double click arrow should apply to tab stack and not close a tab even with former setting enabled.
@jon3: Edited.:)
@jon , thank you, great job
double clicking accordion stack arrow worked unexpectedly with 'double click to close tab' setting enabled.Current behaviour:
expanded tab stack :
double click on arrow > closes tab which is just outside tab stack. -
collasped tab stack : double click on arrow > close the rightmost tab inside stack.
Expected behavior: double click arrow should do nothing.
should I report a bug?
Please change the UI of this browser it look so ancient, and also improve the performance of Vivaldi instead of adding more useless junk. Vivaldi is the most sluggish browser among the ones that I have used, like Edge Chromium, Brave, Opera, Firefox and Chrome. I stopped using Vivaldi after 3.7 but I miss Vivaldi.
@peterpanm , ancient UI? only depends on your choice, take a look in the settings or in the example UIs of other users, here and here.
It works really fast for me, faster than Edge and others I have and the features are not junk, a lot of users has request them, because they need this for their work. If you don't need them, don't use them or use another browser, easy, but don't come here to denigrate the work of others. -
@jon3 If you haven't already, I think you should.
Command Chain sounds like a huge potential..!!
Hope the next version polishes the menu bar, like Edge or Firefox
@culip Yes, it has much more potential. Stay tuned for future Snapshot versions to test more.
Another happy landing
Chained commands are awesome!!!
There is an issue with shortcut consistency when tab stacking. Normally, you select your tabs for stacking, right click and press T on the keyboard for a new (t)ab stack. However, with one of the tabs is playing sound, T becomes Mu(t)e. The shortcut then becomes New Tab (S)tack. Could that be changed so we only have one key to press, whether there's audio playing or not?
Updated on first try via check for updates
Strange Vivaldi opened minimized windows after update to 4.1. -
@thiagofilippo The underlined Access Keys are assigned automatically. The Access key for a single tab is T in Mute Tab and M in Move Tab. On a Tab Stack that changes to M for Mute Tab and O for Move Tab Stack.
If you are patient enough you can manually assign access keys using an Ampersand before the desired letter, e.g. Mute &Tab, but it is an thankless task, not to mention the fact that your customisations can be lost quite easily.
You might want to rely on keyboard shortcuts rather than access keys.
Is there a way to expose setting options to Chains?
I frequently have to switch between left and top tabs, but sadly only the Setting page itself is exposed to the chain?
@culip said:
Command Chain sounds like a huge potential..!!
Hope the next version polishes the menu bar, like Edge or Firefox
Agree, I would also like to see some polishing and I hope they would add image of the day like Edge.
Some people will laugh reading my comment (like above) know some people still use Windows 7. -
@jon3 reported as vb-81792
cool ;). I'll try this tomorrow.
I don't come here often.
In fact, when the Vivaldi browser generates errors that prevent its efficient and trouble-free use, which is very rarely!
I would like to immodestly note that the extension panel is still a „mess”.
Is there a chance to sort this ailment?! invisible icons for some extensions.
I'm not trying to publicly show off some amazing knowledge, however it is as I describe it with the stability of the Vivaldi browser.
Overall, after this update (Vivaldi 4.1.2369.11 - Stable channel - 64-bit) I am experiencing strange instabilities with the work and performance of the Vivaldi browser.
Windows 7 HP 64 bit
Overall, it is my request for suggestions on what I can do in such a situation to improve and restore the previous performance of the Vivaldi browser.
Thank you!
Polish version:
Nieczęsto tu bywam.
W zasadzie wtedy, gdy przeglądarka Vivaldi generuje błędy utrudniające jej sprawne i bezproblemowe użytkowanie, czyli bardzo rzadko!
Chciałem nieskromnie zauważyć, że w panelu rozszerzeń nadal panuje „bałagan”.
Czy jest szansa, żeby tę przypadłość uporządkować?!...tzn.: niewidoczne ikony niektórych rozszerzeń.
Nie staram się popisywać publicznie jakąś niesamowitą wiedzą, jednak jest tak, jak to opisuję ze stabilnością przeglądarki Vivaldi.
Ogólnie po tej aktualizacji (Vivaldi 4.1.2369.11 - Stable channel - 64-bit) doświadczam dziwnych niestabilności z pracą i sprawnością przeglądarki Vivaldi.
Windows 7 HP 64 bit
Ogólnie sprawę ujmując jest to moja prośba o sugestie co mogę w takiej sytuacji zrobić, żeby poprawić i przywrócić poprzednią sprawność przeglądarki Vivaldi.