Dashboard panel (my letter to Santa Claus before it's too late)
I do believe Santa Claus
could be around somewhere in Vivaldi's office so I took my pen to write down the present I'd like to receive for Christmas.
Just an idea to share about a new panel that would give to the user a quick overview of his Vivaldi's overall activity.
This dashboard would be linked to the various Vivaldi features we all know from one place and it would give the possibility to the user to choose the informations he'd like to see displayed.It's more a concept than a frozen idea. Just to open the discussion on what could be achieved and what could inspire (who knows?) Vivaldi to go further in all the great features they offer to us.
The general idea is illustrated below :
The different sections :
Header (default header like the one that can be found in the other panels) + dedicated Settings button.
Date/Time/Weather :
Vivaldi Status : quick overview of https://vivaldistatus.com with the appropriate information ( button color changes based on status - "worst" status is to be displayed with "worst" status description) - clicking on it opens https://vivaldistatus.com page in a new tab.
Last Release : Title of the last Release article (from Vivaldi blog) is displayed with the nice article picture as background. Clicking on it opens a new tab with the release page.
Messages & Notifications : gives an overview of all "unreads" (Mail, RSS feed, Tasks, Forum). Clicking on the dedicated icon redirects the user to the appropriate page and the number in the tooltips are dynamically refreshed.
Next Calendar Event : reminder of the next event from the user's Calendar.
Tasks : Three (or more? to be defined in settings?) next tasks to be achieved with the possibility to select one/multiple task(s) and to : mark them as achieved / delete them / change their time-date of achievement / modify their location / start a Pomodoro / Create a new task
Activity : quick overview of the History graph and top domains
New : shortcuts to create new Mail/Contact/Calendar event/Note/Task
Speeddials : Favorite speeddials (most used ones? chosen by the user?)
Footer : easy access to all relevant Vivaldi pages that the user usually doesn't see when surfing on the internet that can always be at his disposal even if he doesn't have any Vivaldi page opened.
I believe such a feature could allow Vivaldi to offer that one thing more (one more then...) that other browsers don't have and, hence, attract new users.
The last one to add would be an icon with the number of medals collected from Vivaldi forum's announcements
Thank you very much in advance Santa Claus! You know I love you!
it's a pretty cool idea/concept but I would say, the name should more like vivaldi panel because these are "only" things related to vivaldi.
I can image, that this also could be integrated within a speeddial
I would use it -
Ppafflick moved this topic from Vivaldi for Polestar on
now that a dashboard is being implemented and I found this feature request, I think it's reasonable to give this feature request a bump.
Why would I like a dashboard panel additionally to the actual dashboard? Because then I could have everything that I want ... dashboarded ... in view continuously rather than only whenever I open a new tab.