Improve extension toolbar
improve extension manager. is the worse extension manager i have ever seen in my life, and i use 70+ browser...
is impossible to see all extensions, since you don't show it at all (except if you install only few, which is not my case since i install 50-400 on other chromium browser).there is no way to move extension too. they are just fixed, like in firefox, no matter if i click ctrl, alt, cmd.
avoid to lose order position when we copy library folder too.
@vivaldisuggestions Hold shift to move extensions.
@Pesala thanks. hope they add cmd. in macos we move all with cmd pressed.
as you can see random extension order, which is not what i did on the other macuser, before i copied library files.
if i activate this or not, there is no change at all
only if i choose
which is not the goal, because then the extension are not on the toolbar anymore. you should add something like the old chrome before they deleted chrome://flags/#extensions-toolbar-menu at all, this mean something like brave / edge. -
@vivaldisuggestions said in Improve extension toolbar:
So you are asking for a scroll-able drop down menu?
@Hadden89 no, this only if they don't add the normal box 10x 30 for example.
i copy what i wrote to vivaldi email support
normally i ask all developer to do that
i hope you will avoid to implement chrome://flags/#extensions-toolbar-menu remotion at all (so you need to keep such option like i wrote rank -ID or or other)
but this is not in your case. such option would improve a lot how you manage extension. i still hope you can improve that without adding this ** button.
where is the problem? with a lot of extension you make only chaos and we cannot see the extension at all (we just see these in the extension toolbar, and we don't see all extension too). so please add β menu box option like all other chrome browser (except canary and opera that removed it due to chrome://flags/#extensions-toolbar-menu). in such way i can manage even 100-200 extension... and please add a 10-12x Y box, not 6xY like edge.
the answer:
Regarding extensions, if you go to Settings > Address Bar > Extension Visibility and enable 'Exapand Hidden Extensions to Drop-Down Menu' then, depending on the toggle option, either all or only hidden extensions will be visible in a drop-down menu with 13 icons per line.
@vivaldisuggestions said in Improve extension toolbar:
without adding this ** button.
I don't think will happen. We have the
buttons. And a jigsaw one which show doubled extensions don't seems very useful. Also, experiment are usually not box option like all other chrome browser
The flag/chrome stable solution seems more similar how Firefox use to do: common extensions on bar and others in the dropdown menu while the Edge solution is just the old menu option which Chrome had which was better for people with a lot of extensions.
So, you are asking for this but with more rows for line?
And... using 50-400 extension is not a big idea
@Hadden89 if i activate this, you show extensions only in the box. i need to see my normal 30 extensions in the bar, and my other 20-200+ in the box (like all other chromium based browser, except chrome canary and opera, at the moment). I still don't see all my extensions in the box, they show us only few.
plus the fact, like i reported previously, that each extension need to keep same position, and not like the picture, where i see close right then 5 extension later close left and 5 extension later close other button.
Like your picture show us, in this way switching profile works too, in the other way there is a conflict with extensions.PS: until now i never tried 200-400, due to the vivaldi extension problem. i already get problem with 100.
@vivaldisuggestions The position lost is a already known issue; the lack of a way to see a lot of extensions is something between a feature and a bug (you may focus on this aspect).
@Hadden89 yes i submit the link to bug website too, same for losing setting after update, switching profile and vivaldi snapshot problem. because are both bug and suggestions.
@vivaldisuggestions Attach some Vivaldi screenshots here and/or on the bug you'll submit and link to this thread which already have some info.
@Hadden89 there is nothing more that i can post, only this picture after i tested yesterday to install random extension from chrome, to see if the problem is still there
and yes, they are not visible on both options (with less than 100 extension). after x extension vivaldi stop to add it. they add it only in background, no way to access such extensions. there is no scrolling option too (in the style of canary once they deleted chrome://flags/#extensions-toolbar-menu).
@vivaldisuggestions Wait... on which vivaldi version you are? Newer version should re-flow in multi-rows
sorry yes i use both version, but even with v3 there is same problem (these are maybe β -ΒΌ of all my extensions) -
@vivaldisuggestions This seems a bug. Of course, don't report issues from older vivaldi version.
@Gwen-Dragon could you please check if this was reported? Which was the VB for lost order? -
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