Resume downloads with new links
In the Downloads panel, next to download link is an icon which reads "restart" on mouse hover and opens the link in new tab which in turn captures the download again. Why would someone want to capture the same download again ?
Download links expire after a few hours so resuming downloads beyond that time frame isn't possible anymore.
Wouldn't it be more helpful that instead of opening the download link, Vivaldi opens the referrer page from which the download link was captured to acquire the "fresh" link to resume the downloads ? This will guarantee resumeable downloads across different session, very useful for people like me who download big files all day.
Moreover, the field for the download link in the download panel is not editable. If it was, it would be possible to replace current link with a mirror link for the same file to either resume a broken download or change the download server altogether to get better speeds etc.
Please consider this suggestion and implement it if possible and I'll be the happiest boy in the world.
Thank you.
@wealstarr Not to diss your more than legit request, but:
people like me who download big files all day.
They should use a proper download manager, Vivaldi it's not one.
Flashget, jdownloader, etc, pick your choice. -
@iAN-CooG True, but if Vivaldi could add these advance download features, it would be the first and only browser to have done so and should appeal to the millions of users.
It will also eliminate the need for purchasing/maintaining another software on PC.
Hello there, i just want to let you know, that such suggestion has been submitted to 10-20 different chromium based devs inside a list of about 20 datahoarding suggestions now, soon to Brave and Google too. @wealstarr For more check my Edge Profile
@vivaldisuggestions said in Resume downloads with new links:
For more check my Edge Profile
what that does even mean?
@iAN-CooG or directly
Thank you for your request. As this post has had less than 5 votes over 4 years it will now be archived. You can make a new request if you feel it is still needed in the browser.
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