See TABS while in fullscreen (request from a trader)
So as a trader I nearly always want to see the value of the ticker (asset) I'm trading eg bitcoin which is shown in the tab name for Trading View
but when I watch stuff in fullscreen I can't see the tab bar.
Is it possible to make a version of fullscreen that keeps the tab bar visible? or some other genius solution that can show ticker values over the top of fullscreen media?PS:
Thanks from the Trading Community, not sure if you're aware but the tab tiling feature saves so many people money, Trading View charges minimum like $40 a month for the ability to have two charts side by side, tab tiling allows us to do it for free. -
@snakedoc You can show the Tab Bar in Fullscreen mode (F11), but not on top of fullscreen video. Go to Settings, Keyboard, View, and set a shortcut to show/hide the Tab Bar.
It is also possible to use Picture-in-Picture mode, but the maximum size is about 90% of fullscreen (1745x981 on a 1920 x 1080 monitor).
@snakedoc Does my workaround suit your needs?
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