Clicking on big pause icon to exit Break Mode
Hi. For your consideration:
I like the new Break Mode feature. It's so useful!
When I am about to unpause I often find myself instinctively going for the big "| |" pause icon on the Break Mode pop up window. Maybe it's the icon itself, its size being so accessible for me to just point and click on it. Of course right now it's only there for show (the window is a pop up after all) but could it be possible to make it work like that? Would be so cool and handy if it did.Thank you for your time.
I agree with this, even if I never use the feature. That text in the popup, I believe, was added after the feature had initially released. It's there to guide folks who had have accidentally paused the browser and don't know what happened. So it was initially just intended to be explanatory, so people wouldn't think the browser was broken. But it makes sense for that be an active control, that would be a good design change. So, despite never using the feature myself, I've upvoted your request. (I assume you searched to make sure this isn't a duplicate request.)
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Thank you for your request. As this post has had less than 5 votes over 4 years it will now be archived. You can make a new request if you feel it is still needed in the browser.
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