Focus mode
Vivaldi recently added a break mode. It is a really great feature but it is a little bit too simple.
It woul be even more useful to add a built-in "focus mode" into Vivaldi to blocks a list of websites/features of webpages for a configurable period of time in order to focus on a task without being disctracted.
There are obviously a lot of chromium extensions that do this well, but a built-in tool that could sync between computers easily would be even better.
This feature could really integrate well with the actual break mode and is more an extension of it than a standalone feature.
Or, IMO, even better would be a list of allowed pages rather than disallowed. You never what kind of junk might be linked on some page.
Also, integration with the clock would be great. Imagine that you set a time for like 30 minutes and that it then automatically activates and deactivates pause mode.
Thank you for your request. As this post has had less than 5 votes over 4 years it will now be archived. You can make a new request if you feel it is still needed in the browser.
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