Full Height Side Panel [Web Panel like as in Opera]
Hello guys, I think in Vivaldi is missing the Full-screen Sidebar.
What do I mean by this?
Example (of Vivaldi):
The Full-screen Sidebar (Concept):
I know for some users are this function not good because they want not that the address bar, bookmarks, or the Status bar are hidden, but for these users, you can set this at the settings if you don't want a Full-screen Sidebar:
If you like the idea and you want that come true, then you must vote up the post.
Have a nice day.
@Pliex You posted this request before but it is already available.
Shortcuts can be used to show the Address Bar, Tab Bar, and other toolbars in fullscreen mode too.
@Pesala I don't think this is the same request. From the screenshots it looks like they want the web panels to be full-height (i.e. extend out on top of the address bar, tab bar and status bar) when Vivaldi is not in full screen.
@Pesala Hi, this was another request. If you maximize the video on YouTube the Sidebar is closed and can't be opened. This thread was, that if I open a YouTube video in the full-screen Mode, not in the F11 Mode, I mean the Video in the full-screen mode, that the sidebar is visible and not hidden if a video is playing in full mode.
This thread is different. But you said that you can maximize the Sidebar. If yes, how can I do that? With a Flag?
@Pliex If you use F11 then you can use F4 to show the panel, and Ctrl+L to show the URL field, etc.
What is the point of a panel when watching fullscreen video? -
@Pesala It's useful, if you don't know a language well. Therefore, I'm a German native speaker and I watch videos in English or Spanish. If I know not a word, I stop the video and I show the word with the sidebar with a German-English dictionary or a German-Spanish dictionary (made possible with Linguee). I use also other sites, like Google Translate plus phonetic sites. This technique worked for me very well, but I didn't make this only, I have also an extension if I copy the words, they are in the extension saved. Later of the video I create a list on Quizlet and learned it out, or I learn this on a paper (therefore, index cards). To learn new words, is this very useful. You could use it, also for other things.
If my grammar are broken, I am sorry, but with videos you can't learn the grammar, so I bought a grammar book, and I am learning with the book the grammar.
@Pesala I found a way to make the feature function.
An extension, that allows you a full-screen Web panel at playing a Video in (F)F11 Mode
Full screen sidebar? Isn't that a paradox?
@Ice007 Well, it could be useful if you want to pin some sites, like Twitter.com, to you sidebar and see them by not having to open a new tab, select them with the current tab you are seeing and not selecting "Side by side"
I think Opera has done this right. It's really convenient for Messenger for example.
I would love to have the option to set it up the same way in Vivaldi! -
@BobbyTGA I agree with you.
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Thank you for your request. As this post has had less than 5 votes over 4 years it will now be archived. You can make a new request if you feel it is still needed in the browser.
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