Exporting Vivaldi to HTML file for import and export
When I export bookmarks with descriptions and nicknames from Vivaldi the descriptions and nicknames do not show up in the exported file.
I tried that after finding that exporting from my older Firefox which supported descriptions and keywords (nicknames) that they did not get imported into Vivaldi. The keyword occupies same position in HTML bookmarks as nicknames or aliases [1:1 correspondence].
It is hard to believe that import an export do not work well with Vivaldi since it has both descriptions an nicknames.
After Mozilla has not come to their senses after destroying bookmark descriptions and most everything that was good about Firefox, I finally decided to import my older version Firefox bookmarks into Vivaldi at least for documentation. I had installed Vivaldi a few years ago and liked it because it had descriptions and made an attempt to reduce wasted toolbar space. I had copied over exported bookmarks from Chrome a year and half ago when I decided that I was going to use Chrome for most browsing and had added more bookmarklets and both Chrome and Vivaldi did not do well with bookmarklets for Firefox (%20 for space, etc. added so I could publish them) so importing from Chrome seemed quicker. Vivaldi is not going to make much use of my keywords because it does not support %S an %s substitutions from Firefox and am surprised that Opera and Vivaldi had never taken them up from bookmarks since they already had similar stuff set up in bookmarks for search. -
@dmcritchie Vote for these existing feature requests:
As noted in the latter thread:
@pinakel if you want to use tags (like in firefox) they should not be imported as Nicknames, since they serve the same purpose as Firefox keywords.
There is a distinction in features for multiple nicknames and tags in Firefox. -
@Pesala I mean keywords in Firefox as 1:1 correspondence as are nicknames and aliases. They are not the same as tags. Confusing keywords with tags by a Firefox developer and even though they did fix it after release it was the start of the the decline of Firefox since they began pushing tags and hiding keyword shortcuts and other good features. I have absolutely no use for tags.
@dmcritchie - See This Script Exports Full Bookmark Data to HTML. It exports Descriptions, and exports Nicknames as Keywords (or as Tags, if they contain commas).
I am on Linux, and used FF forever. When they took away the functionality to have a description in the bookmarks, I switched. I use the description to put password hints for all the various sites I have accounts on. Palemoon supports it, and I've been using it for several years now.
I like it, but it has recently started to lag in performance and support of some sites, which is odd. Because up until now it has been rock solid. It's annoying me to the point that I am thinking of switching again, so I am looking hard a Vivaldi.
Discovering in this thread that the import doesn't work for description was heartbreaking. This script seems promising... but is there any talk of making this actually WORK in the browser? I am afraid that if I use the script and get used to Vivaldi the descriptions could break, unintentionally or intentionally. I rely on them, so it's functionality I need.
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