Sync using my own server/cloud storage?
Any way to sync using my own server/cloud storage?
Hi there! Just starting to use Vivaldi (love the customisability... is that a word?), anyway I was wondering if there was any way to sync settings/bookmarks/stuff like that using my own server? It's not so much that I don't trust you folks (especially given I get to set my own encryption password which isn't saved to my account), but I'm really just a control freak and want my data to always be somewhere I can get my grubby mitts all over it. Plus, I know you're not exactly a big operation (for some reason I just imagined Google's logo and the imperial march playing) so if I don't have to stress your servers on my behalf, that would make me feel better.
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@Gwen-Dragon Thanks for replying! I'll keep my eye out for it.
@SlasheeTheCow said in Any way to sync using my own server/cloud storage?:
@Gwen-Dragon Thanks for replying! I'll keep my eye out for it.
I would love to see this feature, too. In companies this could be a killer-feature!
Cheers, Hans
See this article: in Wired.
A year has passed and I have heard nothing about the feature to run a own sync server.
Cheers, Hans
I think this is a very important feature for a privacy focused browser like Vivaldi. Firefox and Brave are similarly privacy focused and both have that ability, so it would be nice if Vivaldi added that too. Of course it probably wouldn't be used by a majority of people, but for those who care it would make the transition much more compelling.
That said, @Gwen-Dragon has mentioned a little over a year ago that it was a planned feature, which is great to see. However, I am curious as to what stage in the planning it is? Is it something we can expect soon(ish)?
@gwen-dragon That’s sad
I am waiting unpatiently for that for years already : )
@p234k I know. Hopefully the devs do this.
@slasheethecow 100% on with you there. It would be definitely a really great feature, especially if you happen to have regional restrictions in regards to data storage (PII and otherwise).
@greybeard That is no help at all, why are you linking to some Wired article that happens to mention that the author uses Vivaldi with standard sync?
@hanshansen said in Any way to sync using my own server/cloud storage?:
In companies this could be a killer-feature!
Definitely here, too. It might even be the killer money maker for Vivaldi. At the moment we are struggling with Edge on users on multiple terminal servers for example, where things get lost quite regularly.
Commercial licenses for a self-hosted Vivaldi sync server, where you can show the auditors exactly what data is stored where on your own infrastructure, could be an extremely popular thing. Or perhaps have a paid license option for Single sign-on with ActiveDirectory/Kerberos.... Quite some corporations would love to have that.
Being able to self-host a sync instance. on site, on your own network, on your own hardware, would indeed be a nice feature.
'Cloud' typically equals: running things via a 3rd party who you don't (really) know, on hardware which you neither own nor control.
Daaaamn... this is disappointing!
I've been looking for info on how to sync to my server, instead of Vivaldi's, all morning.
Anyone know if there is an extension that would offer this option???
Source for Vivaldi Sync server to be used on own server/device in LAN/computer has not been released yet.
Quite a few people are waiting for this...
Also - some documentation and a new setting in Vivaldi would suffice. There's no need for a full blown server. A few breadcrumbs would most likely be enough...
PS: is there a way to make the original @gwen-dragon-answers appear again? Those deletions ripped quite a few threads apart - and usually, the correct answer was in one of your posts...
Should we all start to fulltext-quote useful posts, just in case someone stumbles upon a delete-all-button? -
Hi, there is a 2 Years old feature request and exactly 2 user vote for it.
I fear this will not e implemented any time soon.Cheers, mib
As a recent convert to vivaldi I'd really love to see this too. Sync'ing is such a great feature across ll browsers but being able to do so via my own server would give extra control and reassurance.
@snailcrumble well it's been four years so maybe they're almost ready to roll that out!
The official team could provide a solution that allows users with their own servers to quickly integrate the sync service, while also supporting future upgrades and iterations. This approach would reduce the official team's operational costs and offer users an additional option.