No search suggestions
Although activated in the Vivaldi search settings, I don't get any search suggestions for several search engines, for example Google, Youtube or Mojeek.
In the topic linked below, Help me @Pathduck how to enable search suggestions on Ecosia:
@Pathduck said in No search suggestions in the search bar, although activated:
@stardepp It's supposed to be:
not whatever you've got there - that makes no sense at allI tried to set "autocomplete?type=list&q=%s" in the Google search setting so:
But unfortunately it doesn't work that way. Then how can you get search suggestions?
@stardepp In order to get search suggestions for the engines that have none, you must go to Settings/Search and fill in the suggest URL for the engine you want to use as default. When you highlight any search engine at Settings/search, the last box in the resulting dialog is where the suggest URL goes. The text box is labeled "Suggest URL."
You can rely on pretty much any web search to find out what the suggest URL is for a given search engine.
This post is deleted! -
When I highlight the search, no "The text box is labeled "Suggest URL.
I just tried the bing search, and it worked:
@stardepp All search engines have different URLs.
These are the ones for Google And YT:
Mojeek doesn't have autocomplete.
@Gwen-Dragon Thanks a lot, that helped me a lot
Now I have 36 search engines
Now the only thing i missing is the Vivaldi Forum Search.
@Gwen-Dragon Yes, that works
Thanks for the quick help
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