Option to Hide Scrollbars like in Presto
@burbuja it is alredy possible:
set chrome://flags/#overlay-scrollbars
to: enable -
@burbuja It's not the same as Opera 12.18, which hides the scrollbars permanently.
I will have to try overlay scrollbars for a while to see if I can get used to it.
Try it on this page where I have set scrollbars to show on long text frames. The text frame scroll bars to not hide in Opera, but they did in Vivaldi if the overlay setting is enabled.
I found that the problem of missing horizontal scrollbars can solved by holding Shift while turning the scroll-wheel.
@pesala yes, I know, it is not exactly the same, but at least this, for now.
@pesala If I remember right, it was possible to hide scrollbars in version Opera 3.x, which was the first one I installed
Trial of 30 days. I started to use Opera with 7.0
I would like it if you could hide only the ugly horizontal scrollbar, I hate them. On certain websites you will always get to see them even on higher resolutions. For example on the Microsoft blog and on Yahoo Finance.
https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/NFLX?p=NFLX -
@burbuja said in Option to Hide Scrollbars like in Presto:
@burbuja it is alredy possible:
set chrome://flags/#overlay-scrollbars
to: enableWhat was this supposed to do? And I can't find it anymore.
Never mind, it's indeed removed and I already found what this flag did, you would still get to see tiny scrollbars.
find the Vivaldi desktop icon, edit the properties/destination path adding the parameter --enable-features=OverlayScrollbar like this
"C:\Program Files\Vivaldi\Application\vivaldi.exe" --enable-features=OverlayScrollbar
it still works for me despite not being in the chrome settings -
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