Solved Wayland Support
I would like to see native Wayland support for the upcoming Linux distributions that use this modernised graphics stack. This will also enhance security, as it will block Vivaldi from reading the input and window content of other applications.
The company Igalia is working on enabeling Chromium on Wayland: See also their FOSDEM presentation:
Vivaldi could cooperate with them to make Chromium and hence Vivaldi running on Wayland.As of version 3.5.2115.73 (Chromium 87), the ozone Wayland platform can be enabled via command-line switches:
vivaldi --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland
Alternatively, you can set the ozone platform preference via flags. Go to
and set this toAuto
in order to prefer Wayland over X11. This way you do not have to change the command line parameters. -
@potmeklecbohdan: Yes, it was in the settings. Silly me forgot to search there...
Big Improvement: I feel that working with multiple windows (Ctrl+N, Ctrl+Shift+N) is quite a bit smoother than when using xwayland.
There seems to be an issue with chromium on wayland in general, so possibly these flags may be helpful for others experiencing performance drawbacks since some time:
vivaldi-snapshot --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland --use-cmd-decoder=validating --use-gl=desktop
Igalia's ozone-wayland-dev branch now been merged into chromium main thread.
I have successfully build a working chromium binary already. From here ( a vivaldi snapshot with ozone flag ON is a nice idea! ^^ But how??
Maybe some test builds could be published to see if there are errors, but the code should be there. If I had the vivaldi source, I'd just try to compile it...
Hey, wayland feature was landed yesterday!^!/
After commit #801692, start chromium with
./chrome --ozone-platform=wayland --user-data-dir=/tmp/new3 --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform,UseSkiaRenderer,Vulkan
happy tasting to you
I thought it might be more apropos to use this existing thread rather than create a parallel one.
Yesterday i read this which
With KDE Plasma 5.20, the KDE Plasma desktop environment has reached a point where nearly all commonly used features in the desktop and all major applications function in the Plasma Wayland environment on all major GPUs (including NVIDIA with the proprietary driver). Starting with Plasma 5.20 in Fedora 34, we will change the default configuration for Wayland and X11 Plasma sessions so that Wayland is preferred and used by default, while permitting the X11 session to be selected as the alternative desktop environment option.
In the Comments:'ve been using Plasma on Wayland for the last three days on both Manjaro and KDE Neon, and both work perfectly. You still have to force Firefox to use Wayland (put MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 before the path to firefox, on the command line or in the relevant box in the menus), and Vivaldi and LibreOffice don't seem to support it at all - but they still work fine under XWayland; and it's their responsibility to get their programs working on Wayland, not KDE's.
Whilst i have briefly tested Wayland in GNOME last year [very underwhelming], & whilst i use Arch KDE not Fedora, nevertheless i know from reading the frequent KDE announcements & blogs that the coming next major Plasma bump, from 5.19 to 5.20, is going to [apparently] provide a substantial leap forward in Plasma's Wayland capabilities. Historically W in P has been, to be technical, crap, but come 5.20 i might be tempted to try it instead of x11.
What is Vivaldi's stance on this impending technological change, wrt V's preparedness for it with compatibility?
Bump!I mean, is there any reason why Vivaldi isn’t built with the required flags? It’s one of the (many) major things that keep me from switching to Wayland… -
@potmeklecbohdan Why does it keep you from switching? The XWayland app works just fine for me. Don’t think there are enough users anyway, unless Ubuntu finally makes it default (again).
@luetage I don’t want to use WL just to run X11 under it; switching to WL is (aside from it being the fashion recently
) to avoid X.
Also, I don’t think
supports XWL (untested, I’ll try and start it directlyfailed). -
Haha, we're being watched...
It's the web equivalent of holding two optical mirrors facing each other.
Hmmm, the link does not jump to the correct post, so for clarity, it's the one containing:
Seeing this thread seems to indicate Vivaldi is built without flags to enable Wayland despite Chromium having support for it now.
Plasma 5.20 arrived today in my Arch. I have tried searching for info on how to actually invoke it in my Plasma, with middling to poor results so far. Atm this is the least-worst ref i found --
from which
Start a Plasma session on Wayland
First go to a tty (Press Ctrl+Alt+F3 for instance) and log in. Then run the following command:
dbus-run-session startplasma-wayland
Really? Is that it?
Has anyone here who also is now on Plasma 5.20 already begun using Wayland, & if so, what steps are needed pls?
@Steffie IIRC, you just need to choose the Plasma on Wayland session in the display manager. If it isn’t there, check if you have a
or whatever under/usr/share/wayland-sessions/
(but it should be there). -
@potmeklecbohdan said in Wayland Support:
just need to choose the Plasma on Wayland session in the display manager
That's exactly also what i expected [it's the way GNOME does it already], but in my real Arch KDE, & in one of the VMs [ArchLabs KDE] also upgraded yesterday to 5.20, SDDM has no such option.
@potmeklecbohdan said in Wayland Support:
under /usr/share/wayland-sessions/
I have no such directory at all. Only these:
steffie@archlinuxTower[/usr/share] 10:29:49 Thu Oct 15 $> ls | grep way drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2020-04-12 14:03 wayland drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 2019-12-07 01:43 wayland-protocols steffie@archlinuxTower[/usr/share] 10:30:02 Thu Oct 15 $>
Ditto in the VM.
Bwaaaaah, FOMO.
@Steffie Coincidentally this morning i saw this,
Try starting without sddm. Switch to another TTY (e.g Ctrl+Alt+F1, Ctrl+Alt+F2, etc), login and then run XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland dbus-run-session startplasma-wayland.
I tried first the shorter line per my earlier post, then later this longer line, but only in my Arch KDE VM, not my real system. Neither worked, giving only a black screen albeit with my yellow pointer-arrow. After an extended delay the TTY filled up with error messages.
Both those failures might have more to do with VirtualBox incompatibility than Plasma itself, but even if so, needing to launch Plasma Wayland from TTY is a simply cretinous design decision, & astounds me given all the mucho Wayland hype in the lead-up to 5.20.
Looking in Pamac i see some Waylandish packages not yet installed, so maybe some of them are needed before W can simply be selected direct from SDDM... but atm i have no time to further explore.
and select Plasma (Wayland) to launch a new session in Wayland.—
@potmeklecbohdan Thank you very much! I've been off chasing unicorns for the past 24 hrs so not able to return to this til now. Earlier i'd not gotten around to reading that Wiki, having only instead looked at which was, tbh, quite useless.
Anyway now in two of my VMs [EndeavourOS KDE &
ArchLabs KDEKaOS, fwiw] having done their updates to 5.20.0 i then installed this package, SDDM does indeed then conveniently provide the new option. In both those VM distros, so far [not experimented very much yet] they seem to be working ok.Better still, in the EOS VM i tried launching Vivaldi-Snapshot, & it seems to be a happy camper - yay.
I'm now keen to asap try it in my real Arch KDE, so once i finish updating the last VM, i can then log out back to SDDM, & give it a go.
@Steffie Ha! Oh well, that experiment [Plasma Wayland in my real Arch] lasted less than 5'... am now logged back in ordinary x11.
Initially it all seemed surprisingly "normal" & fine. However then i found that none of these atm work in W:
- PulseAudio System Tray
- KSnip
- Flameshot
Possibly longer testing might have revealed additional problems, but all three of those [or rather, at least 1 & 2, or 1 & 3] are Must Haves.
Still, it seems extremely promising... KWin Desktop Effects seemed good, Activities & VD switching good, responsiveness good [albeit i suspect it was slightly more laggy by a tiny amount, than x11].
It'll be interesting to keep watching the upcoming refinements & fixes.
The question remains -- what are Vivaldi's plans to build V to run natively in W not just X ?
@Steffie said in Wayland Support:
what are Vivaldi's plans to build V to run natively in W not just X ?
Why should they care, I’m the only Vivaldi user on Wayland full time I know of. I expect it will take Ubuntu to switch over to Wayland by default to make this a target worth targeting. It’s a known problem, why switch over before things work and on the other hand why develop, if no one’s using it?
@luetage Heehee.
Chicken, egg.
Build it & they'll come?
@luetage said in Wayland Support:
I’m the only Vivaldi user on Wayland full time I know of
How untrue! For 5' there were two of us. Count them, two!
Five. -
@luetage said in Wayland Support:
I’m the only Vivaldi user on Wayland full time I know of.
You shall not only watch your own feet.
I have been using Wayland (incl. Xwayland) exclusively for the least year or so.But you are probably correct about the egg. And also, Xwayland may be working too good for everyone but purists to insist, even if ubuntu or some common DE should become waylanded in the future once more.
I gave Wayland another hour's try yesterday in my Tower's real Arch Plasma.
- I was pleased to find a workaround to the problem re
PulseAudio System Tray
failing in Wayland [it segfaults then dumps core, & aborts], by creating a custom launcher for/usr/bin/kcmshell5 kcm_pulseaudio
& running it then as an on-demand app. It can't do everything that PAST does, but it does enough for me to be viable. - I don't understand this. My earlier attempts with Wayland found that the native copy-select-to-clipboard middle-click-paste-from-clipboard simply did not work the other day, but seemed to work ok this latest time.
- Flameshot & KSnip still fail for rectangular target capture in Wayland, but happily Vivaldi's internal capture does work... presumably that's because V is not running in W but only in XWayland. In any event, i rarely use V's tool coz it obviously works only within the V window... i need to capture desktop & file-manager & other app images too, not only browser stuff. That's partly why FS & KS are so badly missed in W. However i found to my surprise that the Plasma Devs have rebuilt their native app Spectacle so that it fully works now in W, & so [this is clunky but doable] i can capture targets with S, then export the capture to KS, then therein apply the desired markup annotations.
- The bad pointer pixel offset so apparent & annoying the other day, did not manifest this time.
- I was unsure the other day, but Wayland definitely is slightly more sluggish in general feel & responsiveness than X.
- Several Plasma Window Behaviour & Task Manager behaviours that i'd not tested initially the other day but did test this time, do not work [some, properly, others, at all] in W. Given i actively use these a lot, this is a real bummer. Examples include
Focus Follows Mouse
withWindow Raising
[sometimes worked, other time not], &Highlight windows when hovering over tasks
[completely broken]. - Latte-Dock is not entirely happy in Wayland. Its Auto-Hide is buggy in W, such that even when it hides, a residual opaque shadow remains permanently visible that covers thus obstructs any other window dragged into this area.
- No dockable app [ie, (in X11) can show a small icon in the System Tray to which the app retreats when minimised, rather than remaining in the Task Manager] functions in Wayland yet. Hence frequently-used apps like CherryTree, KSnip, KeePassXC clutter up the Task Manager instead of retreating to the SysTray.
Obviously almost all those hassles are not Vivaldi's fault in any way, but they combine to continue dissuading me from yet living in Wayland. To that extent, my earlier question about V becoming native to W is entirely moot, atm.
- I was pleased to find a workaround to the problem re