Feature requests for Vivaldi 1.14
Feature Request: Quick way to go to the top of the page AND go back to the position you were before
This feature request is actually very simple, it's just a workflow improvement I found in Yandex browser...
The feature is: When you are browsing a webpage and you scroll down to some place on the page, you will be able to click on the tab to go to the top of the page, and if you click on the tab again you will return to the position you were before..
Is unbelievable how useful this feature is, and since Vivaldi is the king of workflows... yeah it would be great to have it..Example:
Fun fact: Opera just added this feature today, as requested by me...
Manage SpeedDial from SpeedDial.
Image from Opera Blink SpeedDial.
Possibility to edit a bookmark by right-clicking it in Bookmark Bar and choose Edit from drop-down menu (as in Google Chrome).
In Edit dialog you can change Name, URL and bookmark folder. -
Make the whole tab bar active for actions that now work only when a mouse cursor is above an opened tab (or + symbol).
By these actions I mean middle-click to open new empty tab, switching tabs via scrolling wheel, dragging link or an image to open it in a new tab and so on. In Firefox it works exactly like this. In order to keep an ability to maximize the window by clicking the tab bar, double clicking this area could still do exactly that.This "infiniteness" of tab bar active area could be indicated like this:
How many times per day do you resize the window and how many times per day do you open a new tab?
Option to expand/collapse bookmark folders with single click
Drop requirement for double-click or hitting expand triangle (As it was possible in good old 12.x times).Include/Combine with disabling inline editing of folder names in sidebar.
Unwanted rename often triggered when double-click timing is off. -
Option when playing a video to darken everything outside of the video that is playing (like in yandex.browser).
Option to remove address bar on popout windows/extensions
Some extensions/popout windows that would normally not have an address bar, currently have one. Would be great to have an option to turn it on/off.
Open new tab from Address bar by default (or by option in Settings), without Alt/Ctrl combinations.
Just like in Firefox with TabMixPlus addon. -
Option to show update notification only when browser is started and used, not if browser is not running.
As it is now, user can only chose to have notifications or not, and notifications are separate application that stays running all the time regardless if Vivaldi browser is used or not.
Other than wasting resources, application tends to pop up with notification at least desirable time.
It would be good to have update notification like in other user friendly applications - only while application is actually used and in visible but non disturbing manner.
Android app?
Separate setting for Close button visibility on the Window panel.
I need to keep hidden the Close button in the tab bar but show it on the Window panel.
Add option to take a tab stack -- one you've been adding research tabs to, for instance -- and then Hibernate-to-Bookmarks it by dragging to the bookmarks panel, removing from active tabs.
Permanently Delete Bookmarks or Notes with Shift Delete
Do not add to trash if Shift+Delete is used, as in Windows Explorer
Battery saver, just like Opera, which will be automatically be enabled if the PC is unplugged.
Equalizer or per-tab volume gain would be great. Sometimes, websites got their audio too quiet (like horizon.tv) and it's necessary to put up volume on speakers extremely high. I've tried some extensions from google store, but none of them works.
Opera like thumbnail selection for speed dials & bookmarks(Auto detect logos+Select part of the page)
Save page and 1rst level linked pages as PDF
When I'm working on my websites, sometimes I save pages as .pdf files for records of what the pages were like at a particular time - my pages change around, and sometimes it is helpful to look back for reference. It works best for me if they are in .pdf format (I don't need active links).
Normally, I open a page, right click, Print, make sure it is set to .pdf and then save. It works, but I have to do it over and over for many pages (just under 200 pages). It gets very tedious.
Maybe I'm dreaming with this request, but what I'd like to do is be on the contents page, and be able to have all 1st level links saved as .pdf files. Something like, Right-click, "Save all 1st level links as .pdf files".
Can't hurt to ask!!
Add mouse gesture action to go to parent dir.
I have this in my Firefox setup and it's very convenient.For example, this action should change url http://example.com/dir1/dir2/file.html to http://example.com/dir1/dir2/, next time to http://example.com/dir1/, next time to http://example.com/, next time have no effect.
If vivaldi browser decide to build up its own web sync system, a crx extension to fetch data and extension from chrome will be highly needed
Please apply the UI zoom setting to setting dialog itself, or please save current size of setting dialog.