Snapshot Improvements to Search Engine Management, Spatial Navigation, Gray look and the foundations for customisable mouse gestures
Hasn't been implemented yet. Known bug.
We hear you…
Thanks for the response. Oh, one more thing - Opera 12 had this nice little feature that allowed a keyboard shortcut to trigger any menu. I was very used to have a single key to show the search menu (after having selected some text), then hit one more key to invoke a search. The key for each search could be customized by adding an ampersand before the letter you want in that search's display name, it could be opened in a new tab with Shift held down and so on… It'd be very nice to see Vivaldi being able to do the same thing.
It's not a typo. Letters are cut at the bottom. Not that that fact would make it any better…:lol:
It should, but it doesn't work as soon as the window gets scrollable. It's a known bug.
Next one.
Vivaldi, please!
One thing i did not see to be posted before.
After triggering scroll with MMB-click (where cursor becomes four-direction arrow and page scroll follows mouse cursor) can you make it disapper (leave this scrolling mode) after using the wheel (not clicking, just scrolling). This is behavior I've seen in Opera 12.
It's more than annoying to have long pages and misclicking link with MMB, then scrolling to click another one (while taking cursor away to some another link) -> currently it makes page to scroll far away (because of mouse move) and it won't stop until clicked again.
In old Opera the same action end with just scrolling page a little, as expected with using mouse wheel.
Is this possible? Anyone from staff can confirm this? I'll file a feature request in bugtracker, but I'm posting here too, to see if anyone agrees with me.
Not the case for me. The typo is correct.
As someone, still using Opera on opensuse, I must say, Vivaldi is fundamentally
sound, and easily updated by virtue of YAST.
Now some observations;-
Use Startpage, and it functions perfectly.
I 'need' auto form-filling, for shear convenience.
Need AddBlockPlus, and Ghostery, as a fundamental requirement.
Would like to automatically empty Cache at close.
Having some problems with Speed Dial, in that some images will not load.
Still can't find Auto-update, even in the latest iteration.
And as a rider to the above, are there plans to introduce webRTC at some time? -
I went back to a single page speed dial and it's working as expected. Thanks!
I second that, but I think it's a Chromium (Blink) thing since it's the same in Opera 15+. I don't know if it can be overridden in Vivaldi.
A partial workaround is that you can do a "drag" with the scroll button - press and hold it, then move the mouse in any direction and it will scroll; release the scroll button and scrolling will stop. -
the problem is that my planned action in this case is not scrolling, but to clicking link to open it in background tab. when i mis-click the link - the problem occurs for me
Yeah, these two issues are veeery annoying…
And please, put 'Bookmark this page' on right click menu for the users who don't use the address bar... Or make a popup window appear when we use CTRL+D. Or both. :roll:
I second the #2. It would be nice if it were activated automatically when the status bar were disabled.
This is becoming bothersome…
Sometimes during the Fetch window of a page, Shortcuts stop working... and their functionality returns when the "Fetch" window has moved from that certain part...
For example loading a website (with slow Internet connectivity), when it's being fetched and rendered, sometimes Shortcuts stop working... this is automatically fixed after the page has been loaded enough for the browser to show the favicon and change the color of the tab according to it...
and the bothersome part is that it doesn't always happen...
i can confirm. I'm ctrl+tab-bing between two tabs, clicking links, and while page is loading keyboard shortcuts stops working til page is loaded, so i cannot just click a link then ctrl-tab myself away to already loaded page
Bug related with downloading: although I click "Save as", the file is saved on default lacation. Location picker is not showing at all.
This is my EXACT Problem : "Ctrl + Tab" while a page is loading !
Still the one thing keeping me from using this browser.
Can someone answer me? Is there ever going to be a master password option, something similar to the one on firefox?