Snapshot ( Updated tiling and tons of polish
Hey Olli can show me how can i export my Bookmarks!
_Regards! -
If I understand correctly the nature of a Tech Preview version, it is intended to eventually contain first-whack cuts at all the promised features of the browser. That and getting existing things to work largely bug-free are the most likely #1 priority for the developers at this stage of the game. Where (or if) things like bars eventually can be moved, pixel spacing options, which shortcuts do what, and all the other similar tasks are probably going to be mostly left as work for the versions which follow after the eventual "full" TP version. This is very early in the grand scheme of things: an early TP version in a parade of TP versions, to be ultimately followed by a fully-populated TP version, to then perhaps be followed by an alpha version, a beta version, and finally the first stable release. A LOT of water has yet to flow under the bridge before we reach that point…
Your stand alone version has simply had its "Profile" folder superceded by one entitled "User Data" as part of the latest update. Your bookmarks, notes, etc are all still there in the old Profile folder - you simply need to rename it to User Data after first deleting the update-created User Data folder (with Vivaldi turned off, of course). Do that and all your prior data should reappear when you restart Vivaldi.
Request from me:
- HiDPI support!
- add option to set global zoom level
- ask everytime where to save file during downloading
- option to clear recent closed tabs list
- possibility to see all tabs in tab stack (like in O12 - right arrow on stack)
I don't think it's the threshold honestly. The UI seems to fundamentally have a problem. Try opening tabs or switching between tabs compared to new Opera. The smoothness is just not there
"You're up to date! is the newest version available." How can this be?
Mouse gestures aren't working for me on OS X as well. (I guess that may be counted as Linux)
I feel like a smaller threshold may help for creating smaller gestures. In Opera I eventually performed gestures by only moving the mouse 1 cm in a direction. That is extremely powerful.
Request to start tiling for a group, by using the tile icon in the statusbar.
Perhaps the posts the devs tend to reply to are more on target with what they happen to be working on or focused upon at the moment. There are many areas yet to be coded or have their code refined, and some of them overlap other areas. Also, it's wise to keep in mind that Olde Opera had many years of refinement under its belt… layer upon layer of coding and re-coding over time that all accumulated in what you know as 12.17 and its configurability. Also, because both the Presto rendering engine and the interface were "in play" for design in Olde Opera, some things might have been a bit easier to accomplish.
I have a big stash of Opera 12 notes imported.
Whoa Whoa Whoa!
You're saying that you managed to get your Notes imported somehow!
I have tried to import things into Vivaldi every few versions and each time, I only manage to get Bookmarks. Nothing else. Even when I do them separately and choose [x]Notes (which, like for you, is a showstopper for moving away from O12) the importer mere flickers and says, "Bookmarks imported" and vanishes?
Which INI file are you choosing? I choose: C:\Users\myname\AppData\Roaming\Opera\Opera12\operaprefs.ini
and the import has never ever worked.
Tell me your secret!
(Forgot to say that I'm on Vista32)
Note to devs: You KNOW the name of the INI file which will be used; why not preload the FileOpen d/log box with that specific name instead of just a filetype?)
Easter delayed last snapshot and we are preparing TP3…
There wouldn't be too much exciting new stuff anyway between a friday and a monday build. -
One of these is already in. You'll see which one it is in next build.
Feature request:
Can you add a long press right click mouse button menu like in 360 browser?
Here it is an image: it work?: If I Long press the right click mouse button anywhere. Show up a circle menu with:
- Exit Browser button
- Go to Home Page button
- Go to Speed Dial button
- Go to Extensions button
- Go to Bookmarks Manager button
- Go to Flags or Power user options button
- Add page to Speed dial button
- Add page to bookmarks button
- Add page to "I read later" Or save page button
- Browser menu button (Like V button)
- Browser settings menu button
- Delete Browser history button
- Go to Top of the page and go to bottom of the page
Or add an options menu, that user defined what buttons are show in the circle menu.
Copy, paste, paste and go … and with more options.It is a good idea?
Marvelous Idea! I believe 4 to 8 functions would be enough, and letting the user select how many function between those 4-8 would be available is a must.
Feature request:
Or add an options menu, that user defined what buttons are show in the circle menu.
Copy, paste, paste and go … and with more options.It is a good idea?
Yes, i like your idea. Perhaps this could be a replacement for the classic right click context menu. For Example: If you right click (
long) on a link or a picture, the relevant entries are shown in this design.
By the way: i would prefer a square design -
to be fair they have never said that we will be getting new build every Monday. They said they are going to give us (at least) 1 build a week and mostly it will be on Monday.
It's a UNIX OS, not Linux, but yeah gestures aren't working.
what? it's already possible AFAIK in this build. @AltWouss
(I grouped tabs, hit the tile icon in the statusbar and tile it as I want without previous tiling using RMB/context menu)