I've asked the first of these several times, & never received a reply. The second of these might be my first time. A Search didn't find anything relevant [actually, found zero; is Search broken in our new Forum?].
- WHERE in V Default folder are all my custom Web Panels stored?
- WHERE in V Default folder are all my custom Themes & Theme Switch Schedule settings stored?
It would be very nice if a Dev pls would answer, or if a Soprano would ping a Dev to get the answers. If a clever knowledgeable User has managed to deduce the answers already themselves, & is willing to share, i'll be so grateful that i'll have your 17th baby for you [but only after you provide the initial 16]. Ta.
Tower's SSD OS = Linux Maui 2 "Blue Tang" x64 Plasma 5.8.2. -
@Steffie I don't think the forum search is broken, it's just a matter of working out how to use it.
Your previous posts about Panels
The particular post with no useful replies
The secret to Advanced Search:-
- Enter the search term
- Enter the username
- Select the categories to search (Since there are no posts in the Opera Browser forum, but only in its subfora, you have to select all of the subfora)
Web panels, like Search engines and "some more stuff" are in *.log files
I just added a web panel and the only place in all Vivaldi data I can find that url is
%localappdata%\Vivaldi\User Data\Default\Local App Settings\mpognobbkildjkofajifpdfhcoklimli\000042.logI have no idea if they are stored somewhere else as unicode strings or even encrypted, but surely doesn't seem a good container for these things.
Hi, Steffie
Preferences and Local App Settings\mpognobbkildjkofajifpdfhcoklimli: This contains Vivaldi settings and configurations.
This is also where custom Web Panels are stored afaik. -
@Pesala -- Thank you. It's really remarkable, & i can't explain it; many hours ago when i did my searches, I searched for "Web Panel" & "Themes" [separate searches]. Both found... nothing at all [hence my surprise]. Having read your reply, i tried again, & now got actual results. How odd.