Unexpected close-down of all V windows
Hi all,
I am running V 7.1.3570.47 in MXLinux ... until yesterday always, for years, without any problems.
Suddenly, when several windows are open and the OS is either suspended or hibernated, all windows have disappeared upon return from Suspend or from Hibernation. This, largely independent (as far as I have observed or, rather gingerly, "experimented" and tested) of both of the number of windows (tested 1 to 6) and the number of tabs in each window (between 2 tabs/window to 150 tabs/window with a total of tabs [in all windows] between 10 and 300.
This furthermore happens irrespective of whether the open - and the disappearing - window(s) are on 1 or 2 Linux workspaces.
These types of "disappearing windows crashes" happen haphazardly, i.e. it does , though rarely, happen that the windows "survive"; in the majority of Suspend/Hibernation procedures, everything is gone.I do have a crash log (according to V instructions) but, before adding it here or sending it to the developers, I am coming to ask fellow VivaldiUsers whether such unexpected close-down problems are, or have been, observed/reported (and, hopefully, solved!).
Thank you for any pointers, info, advice, help.
ckv -
Further developments:
The situation has, since the OP 4 days ago, become increasingly catastrophic. Vivaldi's "disappearing/crashing windows" events, themselves a very serious bother making normal workflow practically impossible, now also produce internal data corruptions (such as registered Vivaldi sessions getting muddled, lists of closed windows garbled, history partly truncated, etc.) and where even the (formerly possible, though very tedious) procedures of relaunching after an instance/windows/pages crash are well nigh a waste of time. Altogether, Vivaldi is now "running" - i have no other word - amok.This short addition to my OP here (which, to date, has not brought any reactions, pointers, comparisons with similar problems etc from fellow V users) is only for informing of a few supplementary crash developments which some users may recognize and for which they may have discovered solutions...or at which they got stuck.
Because now, with such crash events, the question obviously is:
Now what?
To whomever such "loss" of Vivaldi's usability happens will (short of changing browser) wish (and maybe need, e.g. for work), as i do, to have a Vivaldi installation as impeccably well-functioning and productive as before up and running as effortlessly and as soon as possible.
I will be opening another post with questions I have concerning the smoothest procedure for getting this done and, hopefully, while recovering/keeping, if at all possible, as much of the old "internal data" and program settings.
thank you all