auto toggle tab bar with pure css
Some days ago I post AutoHide Tab Bar + Address Bar | Show on Hover. Yestoday I did something with css without js. Js version has a weakness and you must repeat your work if you upgrade vivaldi.
It works with tabs position of "Left" and "Top". I alse make a modification with tab thumbnails when tab position is left. Original vivaldi thumbnails can not show completely if you set tab thumbnails with 'Left'.
/* top */ #header:not(:empty) { display: none !important; } #app:has(.inner:not(:hover)) #header:not(:empty) { display: flex !important; } /* left */ :is(#app:has(#header:empty), #app:has(#header .tabless)) { .tabbar-wrapper { /* if you do not want auto toggle tab bar, comment this line below */ display: none !important; &:hover { display: flex !important; } } .inner:has(.thumbnail-image) { #tabs-container{ width:100%; } .tab-position { position: relative; height: var(--Width); transform: none; } .tab.force-hover { height: min-content; } .tab-wrapper { max-height: fit-content; } .svg-tab-selection { aspect-ratio: 1 / 1; height: 100%; max-height: fit-content; } } } #app:has(#panels-container:hover) .tabbar-wrapper { display: flex !important; }
I push it to github.
I am a chinese and I am living in Canada now. I really need a job to make a living. If you could give me a job, please give me a message with my email [email protected]
You might find the Language Tool Extension useful to check your spelling and grammar before applying for jobs by email.
I also use Wordweb to check my spelling, and to find synonyms to improve my writing.
@Pesala thanks for your advice
ZZalex108 moved this topic from Vivaldi for Windows