How to stay signed in to my blog
Has anyone encountered a problem where they are unable to stay signed in to their blog's admin page?
For context:
- I have my blog's admin page as a pinned tab
- I also have the forum and vivaldi social as a pinned tab
- The forum and social always stay logged in and I never have to re-enter my details
- Every couple of days the blog admin page will sign me out.
I can't imagine it's a cookie file or extension issue because the forum and social on always stay logged in. I don't think it's an issue with cookie sessions because it seems to time out over the course of days, not whenever I restart the browser. I also don't think it's to do with inactivity because sometimes I open the page and it shows a popup that looks like it's attempting to log out while I'm on the page.
Is it a configuration issue with my wordpress settings that causes a problem? Is it because I have 2FA turned on? If anyone has any tips, I'd appreciate the help, as it's really annoying having to enter login details and 2FA codes all the time just for this one site.
@LonM I don't really use my Vivaldi blog, but I have noticed I get signed out all the time as well. Annoying for those who actually use it daily I'm sure.
A quick look at the cookies it sets:
So the wordpress_ ones are for WP (obviously) and set to Session. They will expire once the browser closes.
Then there's the relatively short life of the
which I assume is some SSO cookie from Vivaldi net.The main problem might be the
Session cookie. This seems related to: to a WP blog I control:
So looks like a two-week expiry for most login cookies, and no Session for them except the two "test" cookies I have no idea what's used for.
I think this has to be fixed by Vivaldi admins, either making sure the WP cookies are not set to Session or the SSO cookie for Vivaldi net is longer-lived.
@Pathduck Thanks for looking at this, I don't have any other WP sites to compare to.
I've noted the times for all the cookies, and I will monitor when I next get logged out. That will help to narrow it down, and then I'll see if some admin can have a look.
I have noticed this behaviour long ago but in a different manner.
Logged into blog, notice a Notification from the forum, switch Tabs to get there but am faced with the Login button when I've already logged in.
But I just have to touch the login button an the page refreshes to the logged in status.
I reported this inconcistonscy years ago and was told it was a domain issue.
Still encounter the same issue.
Not a priority i guess. -
OK. A day after the
cookie expired, I got signed out. I understand that oauth based login should expire the oauth token fairly quickly, but that should not impact the login session itself. I will file a bug about this.