How to open Speed Dial with Home Page set to some other Specific Page
I have my new tab and home page set to I search more than I sort through speed dials so this is faster for me. However with this set up, I can't figure out how to open Speed Dial if I want to. It seems to be all or nothing. Either Speed Dial or a Specific Page. If you set a Specific Page in settings you are locked out of using Speed Dial. So without changing my set up, how do I open Speed Dial in a new tab? I was thinking of putting it in a Web Panel to make it more available while keeping as my new tab and home page.
@Exomancer Hmm ... try vivaldi://newtab and see if that works. Otherwise, you can get to it from the Bookmarks manager page or several other internal pages if you haven't disabled the navigation bar at the top.
@sgunhouse Thank you for your reply. Using
tries to open which I would expect but it's just a blank white page. If I open a New Tab as usual it opens without any problem. So something internal is off. I tried to put it in the Web Panel with it's linkchrome://vivaldi-webui/startpage?section=speeddial
. Unfortunately it shows as a blank white page in the Web Panel. If I paste the above into the URL bar it opens the Speed Dial directly. I wonder why it won't work in a Web Panel? I guess I could use the Bookmarks Manager.UPDATE: I solved it by manually creating a Speed Dial Bookmark in the Bookmark Bar with
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@Exomancer Strangely, on my desktop vivaldi://newtab doesn't work but chrome://newtab does (then again speed dial is my new tab page). Another URL would be vivaldi://start-page (even though it isn't listed under vivaldi://chrome-urls it does work here).
Another unlisted URL that seems to work is vivaldi://speeddial (no dash). Since that seems like it should be unrelated to settings, try that.
@sgunhouse Neither
works. Howeverchrome://newtab
does work. Interesting.