Mail Panel | Send Doesn't Work
Send on the built in mail client doesnt work from mail pane
Vivaldi 7.0.3495.26 (Stable channel) stable (64-bit)
Revision 26763adab535f6390a3e3799d119dda22b2bf8f8
Kubuntu 24.04Trying to send emails in the past two days has been difficult because when you click compose from the mail pane and then click send at the top - the button does nothing. You have to open that email into a new window and then the button works. I know there was an update recently but I dont know if that did it or not.
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Hi, the latest update was December 12, security update and two mail bugs fixed, check here: cant reproduce this on Opensuse, Vivaldi 7.0.3495.26.
Compose open a new tab and the send button is working for me.
Is the button greyed out or something? -
Here is my screen
When I click on reply it opens in its own tab. Here the Send button does not work.
I can click the button. I can see the button change state while clicking it.If I drag this reply out of this window and into its own window - when I click the Send button it sends right away.
There has been no changes, additions or removal of anything on my end. Dec 12 you say for the update... so I ran the update Monday morning when I got back from a trip and have had trouble since .. somewhere around then .. but Im not saying they are linked - just within the same time period.
Hm, I tested Compose and send but reply work too.
I guess we would have more reports if this happen for many users after the update.
More guessing, an extension does this after the Vivaldi or an extension update.
Start Vivaldi in a terminal with--disable-extensions
to sort this out. -
Restarted without ext - same issue.
I might roll back one update and see if that does it or if it is something else.
@wadesmart said in Send on the built in mail client doesnt work from mail pane:
Restarted without ext - same issue.
I might roll back one update and see if that does it or if it is something else.
Downgrading to a prior version, is not advised, as it can corrupt the profile.
oh.. well.. that sucks.
Ok..until something else is discovered - its either quick responses or opening in new window.
It could be a profile issue, the worst case.
Create a new Profile add one mail account and test. -
@wadesmart All send methods work perfectly fine here, on all my instances, all my machines.
Does the browser's status bar show any Mail errors, for example as shown below:
FYI pressCtrl
to toggle status bar visibility.Are you able to send the message by pressing
without resorting to a new window? -
Yes I can see the status bar and yes there are LOTS of errors, notice, warnings but mostly from gmail or gmail hosted domains. Ctl + Enter does not work either. But, in a new window - both work just fine.
Ill have some time Sat night to work on the profile option abov.e
Maybe consider trying the following when troubleshooting the issue:
- when issue next occurs open a new window
- close previous window
- monitor new window's Mail panel and status bar to see if compose issue persist
I was actually just doing something like that.
I thought I had been stupid and didnt realize that you had to click to the right of the Send Button letters and click on the arrow only because, all of the sudden I sent two emails in a row. Then I couldnt see another. So I saved all my open tabs, closed down, restarted and then just opened mail. Same problem - couldnt send. I moved it into its own window - that could send. And, Send text or send arrow both work. I did another email and ( ok.. this was not on purpose, I was clicking for another browser I have open for work and clicked X on open mail pane) and closed that window leaving only the email I was to send window open. I clicked on the mail pane, it opened up, I clicked send - it sent. I clicked compose for a new email (because what flashed through my mind was, is it some conflict with a open tab?? Yeah, not likely but.. a flashing thought is a flashing thought) and when I clicked send... nothing. So I dragged that out of the window into its own - and its sends right off.
So for the mean time Ive opened up another browser and opened up all my email in different tabs so I can work.
I was trying to take a video of the problem so you could see what was going on - but the video was reversed. So I started again and twice in a row when I clicked on send it sent! I dont understand what is up but right now its slowing me down so Ill address this this weekend. Thanks for the suggestions.
I just recorded this video. Yeah, its backwards and I cant find any adjustment to show it the correct way. But you can see, Im clicking the button and nothing is happening but as soon as I pull it from the the pane, it sends.
Im responding to emails this morning and a strange thing happened. I copy and paste some data for someone to go over and hit send .. forgot to put in the email and then hit send.. IT ACTUALLY went. So I tried another and another. So far, ten emails have sent by putting the address in after the message. That is so strange as to what would cause that to be that way but if that is the way it works now - then Ill get into that habit.
@WildEnte Yeah.. its making me crazy. I dont get it .. and.. it didnt last.
Im stopping work early today - researching a backup and then completely removing the browser .. reinstalling and going fresh. Because I have all my mail in the included mail app now .. Im not sure how long this will take or set me back.
But I sure cant go on like thi.s
@wadesmart try a new profile before doing a complete reinstallation
@WildEnte I ... think?? I tried that. hmm .. lot of stress since I worked on this last haha.. cant recall.. but it surely cant hurt. Ill find a thread on doing that.