Mail Panel | Send Doesn't Work
@wadesmart All send methods work perfectly fine here, on all my instances, all my machines.
Does the browser's status bar show any Mail errors, for example as shown below:
FYI pressCtrl
to toggle status bar visibility.Are you able to send the message by pressing
without resorting to a new window? -
Yes I can see the status bar and yes there are LOTS of errors, notice, warnings but mostly from gmail or gmail hosted domains. Ctl + Enter does not work either. But, in a new window - both work just fine.
Ill have some time Sat night to work on the profile option abov.e
Maybe consider trying the following when troubleshooting the issue:
- when issue next occurs open a new window
- close previous window
- monitor new window's Mail panel and status bar to see if compose issue persist
I was actually just doing something like that.
I thought I had been stupid and didnt realize that you had to click to the right of the Send Button letters and click on the arrow only because, all of the sudden I sent two emails in a row. Then I couldnt see another. So I saved all my open tabs, closed down, restarted and then just opened mail. Same problem - couldnt send. I moved it into its own window - that could send. And, Send text or send arrow both work. I did another email and ( ok.. this was not on purpose, I was clicking for another browser I have open for work and clicked X on open mail pane) and closed that window leaving only the email I was to send window open. I clicked on the mail pane, it opened up, I clicked send - it sent. I clicked compose for a new email (because what flashed through my mind was, is it some conflict with a open tab?? Yeah, not likely but.. a flashing thought is a flashing thought) and when I clicked send... nothing. So I dragged that out of the window into its own - and its sends right off.
So for the mean time Ive opened up another browser and opened up all my email in different tabs so I can work.
I was trying to take a video of the problem so you could see what was going on - but the video was reversed. So I started again and twice in a row when I clicked on send it sent! I dont understand what is up but right now its slowing me down so Ill address this this weekend. Thanks for the suggestions.
I just recorded this video. Yeah, its backwards and I cant find any adjustment to show it the correct way. But you can see, Im clicking the button and nothing is happening but as soon as I pull it from the the pane, it sends.
Im responding to emails this morning and a strange thing happened. I copy and paste some data for someone to go over and hit send .. forgot to put in the email and then hit send.. IT ACTUALLY went. So I tried another and another. So far, ten emails have sent by putting the address in after the message. That is so strange as to what would cause that to be that way but if that is the way it works now - then Ill get into that habit.
@WildEnte Yeah.. its making me crazy. I dont get it .. and.. it didnt last.
Im stopping work early today - researching a backup and then completely removing the browser .. reinstalling and going fresh. Because I have all my mail in the included mail app now .. Im not sure how long this will take or set me back.
But I sure cant go on like thi.s
@wadesmart try a new profile before doing a complete reinstallation
@WildEnte I ... think?? I tried that. hmm .. lot of stress since I worked on this last haha.. cant recall.. but it surely cant hurt. Ill find a thread on doing that.
@wadesmart a new profile may sort out the issue, but you get to keep your old profile in parallel. This makes the transition really easy.
All you need to do is described here
Ok.. yup.. sent 12 emails -- instantly sent. Well bugger!!
Do you know of a thread talking about backing.. hmm wait..
I dont want to lose certain things .. I need to figure out. (kinda talking out loud here)
Is there a way to refresh the browser without losing a lot of my setup. I would rather not have to put in all my mail accounts again (but if I have to...). Installing the few ext isnt a big deal but I dont want to lose the data they have now. My browsing history is a 12 on a 1-10 scale right now with some work Im doing.
Well... how interesting is this.
I had disabled all extensions before and tested - more than once - and wasnt able to send mail. I was adding ext one by one in on the test profile, add ext, test email to send.. if sent, next ext. UBlock stopped the sending of email right away. I disabled it .. sent right away. Re-enabled.. stopped. Went back to my profile (just different windows ) and disabled ublock - still cant send. Pull that email to its own window - it can send. Then I disabled - turned off the window with my profile - opened a new window, used that profile, tried to send - with it disabled now I can send. Well, Ive sent 8 test emails. Im going to keep testing this for a bit but.. that specific extension Ive used on any browser I had for years without trouble - and def not this kinda thing.
@wadesmart we have a lot of community members using uBlock Origin, but I have never heard that it interfered with the email client.
@WildEnte So far I still have it off and Im still able to send email at will.
I only have a few ext and enabling this one will immediately stop the mail from sending. But it never has before until I start having this problem. I have version 25.3.0 and there is no update available. I might look into some forums on ublock and see if anyone has ever seen this before. Surely I cant be the only one.
ok.. so I did find where some people had problems but it wasnt a apple to apples comparison of problems.
Usually it was in or yahoo or earthlink -- browser based email. A four year old reddit thread this person was having problems with outlook and while testing discovered that it was adblock and not ublock.
So I tested: both off I can send. ublock on I cant send. Turn off I can send. Leave ublock off and turn on adblock I cant send. Turn off adblock I can send. Turn on both I cant sent. Turn off adblock ------ cant send.
Restart browser, start again. Both on from the start - cant sent. Both off - can send. Both on - turn off adblock.. still cant sent. Turn both off - still cant sent. hmm
Restart browser and do the same thing again - same result.
Turn both offRestart browser and turn on only ublock - still working fine, can send. But turn on adblock .. cant send. Turn both off
Restart browser. Turn on ublock - I can send. Turn on adblock I cant. I opened a tab to post here, was running my last test, adblock turn off... cant send. Close all windows, restart browser.
Adblock is still off, I can send. Turn adblock on, cant send. Turn it off, can send. Turn it on, open tab. Cant send. Turn it off, can send. Well, that didnt work out right. Turn it on, opened vivaldi main page to navigate here, cant send. Turn it off.. still cant send.
Restarted the browser and did all of that again - same result. Did it another time same result. Its the dang adblock!
At least Im getting something insane narrowed down
A side thought to all of this. I reset the permission of adblock and then I thought.. oh, I can just click on the ext and see if the mail area is being targeted.. but there are no extensions shown when the mail panel is open. So - again, thinking out loud - HOW is it blocking the sending of mail?
Changed from adblock plus to adblock and so far no sending issues. So specifically plus? Probably.. but still odd that after all this time using this browser and mail that it happens.
However.. dont care -- Im back to working.