Bookmark's "new separator" not available in Ctrl+B or V-menu, only in Web Panel & Bookmark bar menu
TLDR: "New Separator" between bookmarks is missing from some bookmark editing areas.
I was looking to add a new separator between bookmarks.
At first, I went into a folder on my Bookmark Bar and right click in the menu but there was only New Bookmark and New Folder available. Nothing about a new separator (yet).
Then, I went to the top Vivaldi bookmarks menu to see if I could find it there, but did not. Only New Bookmark and New Folder, again.
Then, I went to the Bookmarks page (Ctrl+B) and right click and still nothing.
Then I went to the Web Panel Bookmark and I noticed that there was an option to add a New Separator. So I created one.
Then I decided to re-check the other places: I went back to the Main Vivaldi bookmark menu, the Ctrl+B page and the Bookmark Bar menu.
And I noticed the New Separator option became available in the Bookmark Bar menu (wasn't before) but still not available in the Ctrl+B page or the top Vivaldi Bookmark menu.
So, that's weird. 1) it's missing from Ctrl+B and the Vivaldi menu, but 2) it also wasn't in the Bookmark Bar menu at first, until I created one via the Web Panel, and suddenly, it was available in the Bookmark Bar menu.
So, there are some missing codes, methinks.
ADDENDUM: Separator is only visible in places where the option is available. So, that's even weirder. We need consistency.
@tegehel Right-click on the Bookmark Bar and change the sort order to Manually. Separators make no sense if any other sort order is selected.