Sync issue with DAVx⁵
so i've posted about this before, kind of. let me start fresh.
i use DAVx⁵ on my Android phone to sync my Vivaldi calendar to my phone.
i, as of recent, have an issue where occasionally the sync will begin to fail (error "check login credentials", except that my credentials are entered correctly) UNTIL i open my Vivaldi desktop browser on my PC.
this has only happened since i've changed the password to my Vivaldi account.
does anyone have any clue why this is happening? at least i know how to get the sync working again but it's a pain if the error pops up when i'm not at home to open my browser on my are debug logs from DAVx⁵ from before and after i open my desktop browser realize this could also be an issue for the DAVx⁵ devs to look through, and i can post this to their channels shortly; i just thought as Vivaldi is also involved maybe there's something in here that someone here can recognize as the issue
Os there any difference with the other?
@Zalex108 it's very similar, but this time i'm trying to figure out why opening my desktop browser clears the error. before i was just trying to clear it in the first place
AAyespy moved this topic from Webmail on
@Ayespy - this topic about using the Vivaldi webmail calendar with an external DAVx5 client was previously moved from being incorrectly placed in the Vivaldi browser mail & news forum.
Now you have just moved the correctly-placed topic from the webmail forum into the mail & news forum again!
Vivaldi really should market the browser mail client and webmail in a more distinct way...
Your two files contain the same log file. I assume you meant to attach two different log files?