Notifications, memory saver and pinned tabs
I've noticed that the Gmail tab in the browser does not notify me of incoming emails, even though the permission is set in the Vivaldi settings. I'm trying to solve this.
I happen to have a desktop computer on the same desk where I have my main device, a laptop. Both are running up-to-date Vivaldis and OSes. The difference is that the desktop computer is old and still running Windows 10 while the laptop is running Windows 11.
When a new email arrives in my Gmail inbox, I get a notification on the desktop computer, the screen of my phone lights up and the Garmin watch on my wrist vibrates. Other devices linked to my mail account notify me correctly. However, the Vivaldi instance on my laptop does nothing. No popup, no sound.
Some time may go by, for instance 1 hour, before I click the Gmail tab. That's when the notification sound is played, for an email that got in an hour before! However, I still don't see any notification popup window, which I find weird since I also use Google Messages and I get a notification (popup window and sound) on my laptop screen when my phone receives a text message.
Trying to understand what might be wrong with Gmail, I've come to wonder about the possible interaction of hibernation, the memory saver and pinned tabs.
To sum up, this is the situation on my laptop:
- System notifications are all on, with Vivaldi notifications among priority applications
- Notifications in Vivaldi are disabled, with Gmail notifications set to "Allow" among website permissions.
- Gmail is running in a pinned tab.
- Email notifications are turned on in the settings of my Gmail account, which is why I get notifications on the desktop computer.
- Tabs are lazy loaded at startup, with pinned tabs always loaded.
- Memory saver is set to "Automatic".
- I only get a notification sound (still no popup) when the Gmail tab is the active tab.
Writing this post, I realized that I get a lot fewer text messages than I get emails but Messages notifications work fine while I get no notifications on Gmail. I'm confused.
Does anyone know whether there is a setting that I have missed? Thanks.
@VoodooPriest I guess gmail don't automatically fetch new updates, or its time range is too high and lose frequent updates. Have you tried tab periodical reload?
@Hadden89 Thanks for this idea! No, I haven't tried periodic reload. Gmail doesn't show popups for new messages I might have missed since it was last loaded. Therefore, since I'm looking to be alerted on new messages, I'm afraid a reload will not help in that regard.