Emulate pinch zooming with a mouse
Firefox lets you do this as follows (about:config settings):
Mousewheel actions: mousewheel.default.action mousewheel.with_*.action mousewheel.with_alt.action mousewheel.with_control.action mousewheel.with_meta.action mousewheel.with_shift.action mousewheel.with_win.action Options: 0: Nothing happens 1: Scrolling contents 2: Go back or go forward, in your history 3: Zoom in or out (reflowing zoom) 4: Treat vertical wheel as horizontal scroll 5: Zoom in or out (pinch zoom)
So I can set e.g. mousewheel.shift.action = 5, and then zoom with shift + scrollwheel as if I had a precision touchpad or a touchscreen. This should really be a feature of windows like it is in mac, but in the absence of that it would be awesome if vivaldi supported this.
Being able to control the speed independently of the normal scroll speed would be good too.
As a workaround you can use Mouse Pinch-To-Zoom extension or other similar one.