Mark as read time interval
Playing with "automatically mark as read" option in settings I found out it immediately change the email status upon clicking. This may not be the desired behavior for all scenarios when the user looks through his mail list, and he might want this status change to be delayed.
In most of the mail client this parameter is adjustable, why it isn't in Vivaldi? Even the oldgoodbuggy Outlook client has this parameter
My understanding that Vivaldi mail client must be magnitude better than Outlook, otherwise it has no sense to use it.
I understand this feature was introduced quite recently and is not mature yet, but I propose to improve it even more with the adjustable timeout setting.
Should I create a bug or keep this thread like a feature request? -
Hi, a moderator has to move this thread to the feature request section, I cant find an existing request.
I don't use this setting I just use G to mark as read and jump to the next unread mail, so I would not vote for it.Cheers, mib
@astero There is already a request for configurable timers for marking as read:
Please vote and discuss there.
LLonM moved this topic from Mail on