How to add a tab to a pinned tab stack?
I feel like I must be missing something but my search efforts have failed. If I have a pinned tab stack, I can't find a way to add a tab to it.
If the stack is unpinned, drag & drop works (that setting is on).
If the stack is pinned and the new tab is unpinned, I can drag the new tab and the stack highlights, but when I release it the new tab is not added.
If the stack is pinned and the new tab is pinned, then dragging the new tab just results in the tab stack shifting position relative to the new tab.
Selecting the stack and new tab and right clicking doesn't offer any helpful options, either.
What's the trick?
@scampbll I pin the tab and drag it onto the stack. If for some reason that doesn't work, duplicate a tab in the stack and then load the URL you want into that tab.
Yeah, dragging a pinned tab isn't working for me. The method you suggest sounds like a lot of work. The tabs I want to add are google sheets than I open from emails, so it's easier to unpin the stack to add it.
The fact that dragging the pinned tab isn't working is where I think something is wrong. I'll have to try more things and see if I can get it work, since you say it's working for you.
@scampbll Hm. Dragging pinned tabs is working for me. The was a time when it didn't, but that's been quite a while now.
Dragging pinned tabs to a tab stack only works for me if the tab stack is also pinned.
@Pesala There's that. It hadn't occurred to me that someone might drag a pinned tab to an unpinned stack.