Thanks for publicity-free Vivaldi!
I am happy to know that I can initiate a blog on WordPress using Vivaldi without any publicity.
I have 15 blogs on WordPress and am dismayed with publicity creeping in as though the absence of publicity were a "premium" service for which anyone should have to pay additional fees.
I enjoyed WordPress and used the blog medium as a means with which to both conserve materials as ideas and for instructional purposes. The absence of publicity is what made blogging so good.
Unfortunately, the PR people think otherwise.
Fortunately, Vivaldi is thinking more in sync with real people who don´t want ugly advertisements or pop-ups. We just want to enjoy WordPress without fear or frustration.
How can one easily transfer the WordPress blog to Vivaldi? I received a reply, but lost it somewhere. I want the easiest means with which to get my blogs to the safest space of all: the browser.
Thank you for your patience.
I would like to know if the attributes in my WordPress blogs will be preserved: I have one or two in formats no longer supported by WordPress; some I´ve used habitually because I felt comfortable with them. Can I use these on Vivaldi? Please advise.
Jjane.n moved this topic from Everything else on
You can import your WordPress blog from Dashboard > Tools > Import.
Without more details, I can't say whether everything will look the same as in the blog you import the content from.
You can test things out yourself by creating a new post before importing and seeing whether you can format things the way you're used to. -
Thank you for your kind reply.
I will test as suggested. What I want most to learn is if I can have 15 or more blogs on Vivaldi, all of them in WordPress.
On Vivaldi, it looks as though it will be easy -- wonderful; it´s just what I need! (I´m not a tech person, just a mascot!)
If things can be made easier and easier, the security of Vivaldi becomes stronger and stronger. Security works best using one´s own common sense aligned with tech development that keeps the evil (for lack of a better word) out.
I will try to file my blogs in Vivaldi soon.
Meanwhile, I wondered about an office development product called Mural. It doesn´t "look" like whatever one might expect, but there´s something about it that appeals strongly to the need to have whiteboards, sticky notes, tabs -- to have light tables that allow users to sort through, separate, eliminate, join together bodies of photographs and videos for any number of purposes. Has anyone experience with Mural or see any potential for Vivaldi to develop something of this kind?
I feel like a happy, yodeling Besanji over being able to keep my WordPress blogs on Vivaldi!
I should not have referred to Mural -- it gets depressing because Vivaldi is SO good. One reads the corporate titles and so forth and gets a headache or a heartache for which I hope no one one at Vivaldi will have.
Forget Mural, think Vivaldi.
@martinreyhan2052 said in Thanks for publicity-free Vivaldi!:
What I want most to learn is if I can have 15 or more blogs on Vivaldi, all of them in WordPress.
For your information, each blog needs a separate account and the account's username has to be what you want the blog link to be
. Later you can invite other users to be editors, contributors, etc. on the blog, though.