Odd Send Behavior in Mail Client
I have a newly installed Vivaldi browser and added a Fastmail and a Gmail account.
When I compose a new message and hit Send, it does nothing. It looks like messages get saved to the Vivaldi mail client Drafts folder, but they are not sending when I either press the Send button or when I hit ctrl-enter. The only time I've been able to get an email to send from a compose screen is after restarting the browser. One message will send from compose, but a new one created after that will not.
I tried changing my Fastmail authentication from Oath to an app password in case there was a silent failure authenticating to the SMTP server, but that didn't change the behavior described above, and the mail logs weren't showing any errors related to attempting to send a message - no failed SMTP authN, nothing else - as if the client wasn't even registering the send command.
If I go to the Drafts folder, and open an email to edit from there, I'm able to send.
Any ideas what causes this behavior?
@ryanpage I submitted a bug report on a similar issue, VB-110332, which is confirmed. I have linked this thread to the report.
@edwardp thanks!
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