Options on how to open saved sessions
Currently, when I want to open a saved session, I use either the menu File>open a saved session (my Vivaldi is in french so I'm sorry if the translation isn't accurate) or double click on the session in the the side panel (on the sessions tab). And when I do that, the session opens in a new window without any prompts. even right clicking on the session in the side panel does not offer any other option. right now, if I want to open a saved session in the same windows I use a workaround (edit the session in the side panel, select all the tab, right click and select open the link > open the link in a new tab...).
that's not ideal!
I think whatever the way we chose to open a saved session, a popup should let a select at least 3 options :- Open the session in a new window
- Open the session as new tabs
- Open the sessions as a new workspace (in current windows)
these options could also be added to the contextual menu of the sessions in the side panel to open them faster the way we want without getting the popup.
Bonus: and why not add a default setting in settings for how to open them when we double click on a them.
Additionally, maybe there can be different settings for the default double-click setting to open sessions vs to open links in "Edit/View Contents". For instance, I usually open an entire session in a new window, but I usually want to open specific tabs in a session in the existing window.