Button to toggle hide/show tab bar
I searched and found this feature requested already, but it was archived with no solution.
For the longest time I've used the "Window" button in the panel for my tab navigation to quickly hide and show the tabs. I also find it a nice way to keep things organized, vertical so it takes very little space (especially on my ultrawide) and an added bonus that I can access closed tabs if I need to.
I've recently switched back to using vertical tabs because the windows view does have some downsides, like the inability to easily create a tab where you want it. You have to right click, instead of there just being a button next to the workspace or something. I tend to use the + button at the top, which always puts the button at the bottom. As well as the highlighting not working as expected. For example, if I click a link in Tab A, it will immediately create a new Tab B and move my view there, but Tab A is still highlighted, so I have no idea what I'm looking at or where I am sometimes. This is very annoying, maybe a bug, who knows.
Anyway. After using the real tabs for a little bit now, I find the main thing I am missing is the button that
easily hides the tab bar. I only want the tab bar to show when I'm looking for a tab. I know that I can assign a hotkey to hide and unhide it, but I'd rather have a button in the sidebar or at the bottom. I also know I can use F11 to go full screen and remove the bloat, however, this does not work for me since I use multiple windows at once and also the flashing on the screen when using this is unideal.Button to toggle hide tab bar please?
Alternative option: Button for the sidebar for a tabs panel. Would be great. -
Hi, requests get archived if they have less than 5 user votes in 2 Years or something or you can get what you want with other Vivaldi features.
You an add your own button in Vivaldi for command chains, so add a hotkey for hiding the tab bar, create a command chain with this hotkey.
I themes settings > Icons choose the chain and add a button.
You can use the default icon for testing.Cheers, mib
@Grimshad You can already do it.
In settings add a new command chain:
Add the command chain as a toolbar button where you want:
//edit: whoops. Mib already said all
Excellent! Thanks so much.