Snapshot More visual improvements and better mouse support
The themes are still work in progress, so please give us more feedback on what we could change to improve Vivaldi's look even further.
Currently only the active tab has the color of the page and all others are gray. It would be nice if inactive tabs would also retain a tint of their respective page´s color, so you can find the tab you´re looking for more easily.
No, its working great, but its not working as in o12, for example, if i have 10 tabs open, in o12 RMB+wheeldown, release, then again RMB+wheeldown cycles just between 2 same tabs, now in vivaldi it just runs through all 10 tabs.
To simulate that now, i can RMB+wheelUP and then RMB+wheelDOWN, so it cycles just 2 tabs. Problem is when i forget did i use wheelUp or wheelDown previous time, so two times wheelUp would break that 2 tabs switch and continue cyrcle.Wow, i wanted to answer simple, but guess that did not happen :).
Wow! There is way to much good stuff in this snapshot! Thank you, thank you, thank you. I have the same number of tabs open as before I updated to this version but in Process Explorer I see half the processes; overall memory usage is half. What did you do??? This is great. Love the dark theme. Could you possibly extend the dark theme to the scrollbars? I really hope you will eventually remove the 1-2 pixel space on either side of the slider tab. Super sweet work. Thank you again.
confirm, and mouse d'd change in zoomed images, no + or - mouse.
ex: 64bit - V32 bit
Thanks for the new snapshot!
Found some bugs
BUG#1: The zoom slider at the bottom right of the browser can't be adjusted.
-Mac OS X 10.10.3
EDIT: Funny. After a dozen browser restarts and the slider now works. Oh well…
But might be something to look into, still.BUG#2: After changing UI scale zoom level and closing settings, it changes back to default (100%) when opening settings window again.
-Both Windows 7 x64 and Mac OS X 10.10.3 -
Confirmed on OSX 10.10.3.
It also resets when opening the settings window again. Last build was fine. -
I'm sure it is not a suprise to hear that we are working on this internally. As ahoj1234 pointed out, once it is in a better state you will all get a chance to play with it.
How is your mouse configured and what OS do you run?
About Themes: there is no way to have the previous look (dark toolbar and selected tab, light background tabs/tabbar)? I think you should implement a better way for the customization stuff … The current dark theme seems more a "night mode" to me
Good enhancement in the Preferences window that now is more "granular". I really dislike when you've lot of stuff packed all in a few macroareas ... However IMHO the current cookies and password sections need a rework. Actually they are infinite lists of big misaligned elements... a more clean table (with smaller text and buttons) I think is way more convenient
About tabs: no options to replicate the Opera-Presto behavior in the tabs ordering? (open next to the active)
and, as always, performaces performaces performaces on old PCs please
I do (I am even assigned). Seems popular with linux people
RMB+wheel doesn't seem to work for me, scrolling in the tab-bar does.
Win8.1x64 and Logitech G602 with Logitech Gaming Software. -
Linux x64 - can't add to speed dial.
+ Have bug with scroll - when I use mouse scroll - he list tabs o_0 -
Please share some of the problematic images so we can dig deeper.
The search bar doesn't work anymore. When you type a request, no reaction.
Vista 32-bit
at least you read it even though you totally hijack my topic
But you have to admit that it looks ugly no matter what "metal" you like
Awesome, glad to hear it's been worked on, thank you
Also: for the keyboard cheat-sheet, making the up and down keys scroll the sections so clicking on them isn't necessary would be nice. Also ctrl+f (or whatever key is bound to "find") to filter them!
In the future we will likely tie the page theme color into more parts of the UI, and your request is something we are considering.
There absolutely are some corner cases there. Creating a dark UI in general has many challenges, but I think Vivaldi held up surprisingly well.
Found another one.
BUG#3: Opening a new tab then closing it, the 1st tab (or rather the previous tab)will become blank rather than showing the web page or Speed Dial. I guess to replicate properly, just fire-up Vivaldi first before opening a new tab. Can anyone confirm this too?
-Windows 7 x64 / Vivaldi x64